Family Brings Home English Bulldog Puppy for Dad as 'Dream' Birthday Surprise

WilleeCole Photography/Shutterstock

It's easy to understand why dog owners look forward to bringing home a new puppy, but the newest four-legged family member can also be a wonderful surprise. In fact, thousands of people post heartwarming social media videos each year after surprising loved ones with the dogs and puppies of their dreams.

Just ask Olivia and her family! This thoughtful daughter teamed up with her mother and sisters to pull off the cutest surprise for her dad's 50th birthday. They must have been keeping secrets for a long time, but Tater, the English Bulldog puppy, finally got to come home! The only thing cuter than the puppy himself is the family's love for their dad, which is as clear as can be in Olivia's June 3 TikTok video.

Happy Birthday to Olivia's Dad! This was the sweetest surprise, and the look on his face when he saw the puppy truly said it all. He wasn't expecting to meet a new dog today--that's for sure!

Related: Dad's Reaction to Being Surprised With a Puppy on Father's Day Is Just the Best

"I swear you can see the inner child in his eyes when he sees that puppy," commented @wickedhollowway. You're so right! His whole world stops spinning for a moment while he takes in the sight of his brand-new baby, but my favorite detail is how he turns to look at everyone in his family during his moment of pure shock. Everyone got to see the priceless expression on his face!

Of course, a lot of thought and preparation went into this epic birthday surprise. Even if the cute video is less than a minute long, there's no doubt that Olivia and her family have been planning this for months. They've likely known Tater since the day he was born! This should always be the case when someone plans to bring home a new puppy--even if it's a surprise. No amount of cuteness will prepare you for the chaos that puppies cause.

Caring for English Bulldog Puppies

It's essential to do your research before adopting a dog of any age or breed, but this can be even more important when you're bringing home a puppy, because you may not see their full personality until they've been home for a while. Most puppies spend their days eating, sleeping, and playing--but what will your dog be like when they grow up?

When raising English Bulldog puppies, it's important to care for their health concerns as well as their day-to-day well-being. Bulldogs are a brachycephalic dog breed, which means they have shorter airways and more breathing difficulties, so you may have to modify your everyday activities so they don't overexert themselves.

With some time, research, and effort, you can raise a happy and healthy puppy of any breed--just like Olivia and her family will do for Tater!
