Family Dog’s Cute Encounter With Backyard Frog Lounging in Pool Is Too Sweet


If you have a dog, you know that they're very curious about everything that they come across in the backyard, while on a walk, and when they're out exploring. They want to stop and smell everything, including other animals. ABC News shared a video on Wednesday, August 11th of a New Hampshire family's dog named Tank who found a frog swimming in their backyard pool, and to say he was curious would be an understatement!

The frog, just lounging in the pool and minding his own business, was surprised by the dog's curiosity and wasn't interested in learning more about him. Tank wanted to be friends though and tried his best to befriend the floating amphibian. Watch on to see if he was able to make a connection or not.

I don't think they're going to become besties anytime soon! Tank was definitely interested in the frog, but the frog was not interested in him! ABC News also viewers got a kick out of the encounter. @Jaclyn said the exact same thing that I did, "The frog is HUGE!!" @closedaccountX pointed out, "Tank is just curious, but the frog's trying to survive." and @Suzanne made me laugh with, "Backyard frog said, "You don't want any of this, dawg!!!" LOL!"

Related: Tiny Frog Lands on Springer Spaniel’s Nose and They Become Instant Besties

How to Keep Frogs Out of Your Pool

Commenter @Dee shared a similar story, "We used to have a toad that visited at night. My Golden Retriever loved him. Always was trying to lick the frog! Haha!" I've also written another story about a Great Dane who tried to befriend a frog, and that frog was just as curious about the dog as the dog was about him!

Other commenters were concerned about the frog being in the chlorinated pool. @johnb2031 said it best, "That poor frog is already dead from the chemicals in the pool. Suburban lawns and landscaping decimate wildlife." If you live in an area where there are lots of frogs and you have a pool, there are ways to keep the frogs from getting into it.

All frogs see is a huge body of water, perfect for hunting and lounging...or so they think. There are several easy ways to keep frogs out of the pool, and you can implement them immediately:

  1. Keep your pool covered with a pool cover to avoid having critters climb into it. Bonus points because the cover also keeps leaves and debris out!

  2. Keep water in the pool moving, which discourages frogs from entering it.

  3. Frogs are attracted to light, so keep the pool lights off.

  4. Mow your lawn frequently to reduce places for frogs to call home in your yard.

  5. Bob Villa offers another reason for using a pool cover and for keeping your pool heated, "A pool heater or solar pool cover helps to consistently increase the water temperature, making the pool less attractive to frogs seeking ideal breeding conditions."

  6. Frogs don't like vinegar, coffee grounds, or lemon juice, so mix any of them with water and spray around the pool's edge to deter frogs from entering the pool area.

If you find a frog in your pool, do help get them out of it and put them somewhere safe. You can use your pool net to help wrangle them out of the water. The frog will thank you for the help!

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