Farmer's Pig Opens Window and Breaks Into House in Middle of Night & It's Pure Comedy

Shutterstock / Ilona Bradacova

Living in the country can introduce you to many different forms of wildlife, and give you a unique perspective on sharing the land with our cousins from all over the animal kingdom. You may wake up with deer in your yard, raccoons in your eaves, foxes under your porch and even a bear in your backyard swimming pool.

But what about the potential of a pig at your window…especially in the middle of the night?

In this video, a woman is surprised to see a pig opening her window and sticking their snout in, especially as it is after one a.m. The pig itself is very calm, acting like this is not an unusual move at all. That porker is completely chill.

Related: 300-Pound Domesticated Rescue Pig Is Living His Absolute Best Life

“Can I help you, sir?” she says to the animal, and for a moment, you actually believe the pig may respond.

In the comments, people are jealous that this woman got a visit from such a sweet, polite pig.

“I’ve heard of the cat distribution system but this?” says one person.

“He just wants to talk to you about your car warranty,” says another.

You hear that pigs are very smart animals, and watching this one work the window and hang out like they’re ready to converse, it’s easy to believe.

The Intelligence of Pigs

Many studies show that pigs are just as intelligent as dogs, and have complicated emotional lives, capable of showing mood shifts, experiencing depression, joy, and curiosity. Though current industrial farming practices are not kind to animals of any species, many activists are particularly upset at the treatment of these intelligent, sensitive animals.

Pigs are primarily kept for raising meat—unlike, say, dairy cows, egg-laying chickens, or wool-providing sheep. Even for people who keep pigs in more humane and emotionally satisfying conditions most often have an end game that includes processing the animals for their meat and fat.

Honestly, after looking at this little guy’s face, I don’t know if I’d have the heart.

How to Get Started Farming Pigs

Many people love keeping pigs for more than just the meat they provide at the end of their lives. Pigs will eat table scraps and graze in pastures, clearing out underbrush and keeping the grounds around orchards from growing too wild. This can often be a problem for some pig keepers as pigs can make short work of green areas and go overboard in their rooting behaviors, even destroying crops and trees.

Pigs can also be extremely charming. Their intelligence and winning personalities have saved many a pig from being processed at the end of the season, so if you have plans to raise your pigs for meat, think about how emotionally involved you are letting yourself become with them. Many farmers started out with one plan for their pig, only to wind up with a five-hundred pound pet in your pasture.

Having said that, however, it’s true that humanely, grazed and table scraps pigs will end up tasting far more delicious than any that you can find at factory farms.

But it’s a big commitment, both physically and emotionally. I mean, just look at this adorable guy at the window.

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