Former Horse Pasture Mates Instantly Recognize Each Other After Year Apart & It's Beautiful

CC zahidul hoque karim/Shutterstock

Animals are amazing. They constantly surprise us — or maybe we just need to stop underestimating them all the time. Just look at two horses who were pasture mates in the past, but were sadly separated. That is until recently, when the two horses saw each other again. And their reunion is bringing everyone to tears.

Zazu and Lightning were once thick as thieves. But that all changed when Zazu was brought to a new home.

We all know how it feels when your bestie moves away. But these two weren't destined to be apart forever. In a heartwarming video online, it shows the day that Zazu and Lightning saw each other again. Would they recognize each other? Would they get along? The tension was palpable.

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Zazu was hanging out in his new pasture when his caretaker surprised him with a visit from Lightning.

"We just took Lightning in as a lease horse," they explained in the footage.

The two immediately recognized each other. Lightning even nickered, which is a horse's way of asking you to come closer. The two took off together, stopping to snack on hay together.

"That is so cute!" their caretaker praised.

We're incredibly touched by the reunion. People in the comments section were absolutely emotional too. "One of the hardest thing about keeping horses is losing their friends," one person pointed out. "And just like that Lightning went from a lease horse to a permanent horse," someone teased. While another commenter made a very good point. "It makes me so happy and so sad at the same time," they wrote. "Sad because of how humans move animals around without thinking of their emotions. It’s clear they’re happy to be reunited," they added.

How Horses Communicate

Horses obviously can't tell us when they're happy. But they do express themselves. You just have to speak their language. 

The most obvious horse noise that you're probably familiar with is neighing. But what are they actually saying? A neigh is a horse's way of checking in. It's like them saying "how are you?" It's also how they find the rest of their herd.

Squeals are a different story altogether. That means their space has been invaded and is a warning to their fellow horses.

Horses also have a tendency to snort. It's not exactly clear why they do this, although researchers in France believe it's their way of showing they're content.

You can also take a look at your horse's ears and eyes if you want even more information on how they're feeling. The more time you spend with horses, the more you'll be able to read their feelings. Although we can all easily tell that Zazu and Lightning are as happy as can be.

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