Funny Cockatoo Barks at Repairman Like a Dog Before Giving Him Sweetest Greeting


Cockatoos are one of the Top 10 chattiest parrots around, and this one named Sweet Pea definitely always has a lot to say. She lives up to her name because she's a sweetheart who loves to be around humans...I think that she might even think that she is human sometimes! Her mom shared a video of Sweet Pea greeting a repairman at the end of September, and it's the cutest thing you'll see today.

In the video, the repairman is already in the house and getting ready to work. Sweet Pea sees him, and starts running towards him, barking like the family dog. Mom tells her to stop, and she does. Watch on to see how Sweet Pea greets the man - it'll make you smile!

The repairman wasn't even scared when Sweet Pea started climbing up his leg to say hello! I think the two of them could be buddies! People left some funny comments about the video. @Dennari said, "*Hears barking* "Oh you have a dog?" "" LOL!" @Rosemary's auntie laughed, "Ha! "We don't climb up strangers." Haha!" @Pansy Kelly points out, "Lol with parrots, consent is a one-way street. Don’t you dare touch them without consent, unless you want to bleed!"

Related: Video of Cockatoo Barking Like a Dog Over Something in the Yard Is Internet Gold

More About Affectionate Cockatoos

Sweet Pea is one of my favorite pets on social media because she is so friendly and social. She's also a feisty cockatoo and shows her furry brothers and sisters whose boss by barking at them. Sweet Pea isn't as talkative as some other cockatoos, but she makes several noises and mimics things that she hears regularly. My parents have had an Amazon parrot since I was a kid, he's 45 years old now. He barks like a dog, meows like a cat, rings like a phone, and so much more. He also would chase us around when he was out of his cage, something Sweet Pea does too; it's like having another child in the house!

It's not surprising that Sweet Pea is so friendly or that she wanted to become besties with the repairman. Believe it or not, cockatoos are one of the most affectionate pets around! Another Pet Helpful article noted that cockatoos "thrive on the contact, love, and affection that they receive from their owners."

The article goes on to say, "They are widely known to be playful, affectionate, and cuddly pets that will develop a love and bond with their owner. They are also the perfect pet for anyone who plans to spend a lot of time with these animals sharing mutual affection. And since cockatoos can live anywhere from 40–80 years depending on the species, you can potentially end up with a lifelong friend." Talk about a long-term pet!

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