Funny Horse Just Can't Seem to Get Over His Daily Cow Sighting

CC zahidul hoque karim/Shutterstock

Horses are not elephants. Okay that's obvious, you might be thinking, but there's a reason why we bring it up. Elephants are known for their memories. No one would accuse one horse named Kentucky of being able to recall a thing, not even the herd of cows he sees each and every day.

Kentucky is in for a surprise every single time his owner takes him past the pasture.

The 9-year-old gelding was caught looking straight-up shook as they rode by the cows. In the video his owner shared, Kentucky stopped in his tracks when he spotted the other animals, just taking them all in.

Related: Animal Sanctuary Makes Desperate Plea to Save Cow Who's Losing Her Home

You can see the look of pure confusion on his face as he tried to place what the other creatures were. We have to imagine he was so mixed up over these strange looking "horses." The crazy thing is, he's seen the cows so many times in the past.

"POV: you're a horse and you see cows for the 628,930th time," the text overlay reads.

"He will probably still be as surprised by this by the age of 20," his owner joked in the caption.

According to other people in the comments section, apparently horses have always been really weird around other animals. "My horse is scared of CHICKENS," one person admitted. "My mare used to pin her ears down in anger that the cows STILL existed. Everyday. For 34 years lmao," someone else shared. "This is my 23-year-old retired CUTTING horse every morning on the walk to his turn out," added another person. "My old horse thought he is a cow.. he loved them," chimed in one commenter.

Some Horses Are Afraid of Cows

Who knew that cows and horses have such strange relationships? There are actually many horses who are afraid of cows! It's true. According to Horse and Rider, the reason for this might be because cattle tend to be noisy and smelly. If a group of cattle come over to greet a horse, it can be hard for them to distinguish the cattle from each other and it can be sort of scary.

We get this. Horses get startled very easily and a herd of cows charging towards you could unnerve a human too.

There are two ways you can help your horse over their fear, flooding them by putting them in a field of cows until they no longer react or progressive desensitization, where you bring them closer to the cows until they learn that they are safe.

Obviously you'll want to take your time and follow your horse's lead here. But if you stay the course there's hope that things will be alright in the end.

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