Funny Pug Wails Like a Baby After Seeing Mom Arrive Home From Work

CC fongleon356/Shutterstock

Like kids, our pets get also get very excited when they see us getting home from an outing and heading towards them. I remember when my kids were little, they'd jump up and down and yell with excitement right along with our Westies when they saw dad pull into the driveway! Floki is a Pug who is very vocal and always has a lot to say. His humans shared a video at the end of May of what happens when his mom gets home from work, and it's adorable!

The video starts with Floki sitting on top of the couch staring at the window. When he sees his mom outside, he starts yelling with excitement and can't wait to see about a noisy welcome home! Make sure your sound is on so you can hear all 30 seconds of Floki yelling for mom to hurry up.

Floki was beside himself and couldn't wait to see mom! I thought it was so funny he didn't even move off the couch though since my dog immediately bolts to the door when she knows one of us has arrived home. People loved the video and left more than 5 thousand comments about Floki's silly reaction. @A Gautier pointed out, "I love when he loses himself in the scream! Eyes slowly drift off..." @Veilwalker wondered, "You sure he's not trying to communicate with the cicadas?!" and @Harry made me laugh with, "More passion! More energy!"

Related: Dog Mom's Compilation of the Funny Sounds Her Pug Makes Is Too Cute to Miss

Is It a Pug or a Frenchie?

Anytime that I watch these videos, it never fails that someone always asks if the dog is a French Bulldog or a Pug, or they confuse one with the other. Before I started writing about pets and animals, I confused the two breeds as well, but there are some notable differences if you look at them side-by-side. The biggest difference are their ears. Frenchies have batman looking ears that stand straight up and are much larger than their heads. Pugs have rounded, floppy ears that don't stand up. The two breeds' tails are also different. Pugs have those adorable curly, pig-like tails while French Bulldog tails are short and straight.

There are some other differences beyond their appearances. Pugs are a more laid back, chill dogs that don't require much exercise, on the other hand, Frenchies are known for their athleticism and like to stay busy. Frenchies may seem extremely vocal but believe it or not, Pugs tend to be the louder and the most vocal of the two. I think Floki could out scream anybody! Pugs live longer than Frenchies and living 12-14 years while French Bulldogs live an average of 9-11 years.

All dogs are different, and what's true about one Pug may not be for another. These breeds make look similar and have similar personality traits, but you have to meet a dog to decide of it's the dog for you no matter what the breed.

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