Golden Retriever Casually 'Walking' Across Pool Is Called 'Part Human'

Shutterstock / Wasitt Hemwarapornchai

I always had swimming dogs, mostly of breeds named after Canadian islands. Growing up, our Newfoundland would not only jump in the pool at every opportunity, he smothered sprinkler heads and rolled in puddles. The first dog I had as an adult, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, was never so happy than when she was fetching us things from the nearby creek, or else laying out and sunning herself on a fresh patch of ice on the porch.

But not all dogs love to swim. This Golden Retriever, member of a usually water-friendly breed, doesn’t seem to like to swim. Be in the water? Sure. Swimming? Nah. That’s for dogs who aren’t as tall as he is.

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“Most dogs will swim across the pool, but mine will walk,” says the woman in this video, showing off her Golden Retriever, Drake, who likes to walk around the shallow end on his hind legs instead.

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“Nothing to see here… just my Golden Retriever casually walking around the shallow end of the pool all afternoon,” she writes in the caption. “I love looking at his little paws bobbing in the water.”

And it’s true, it’s absolutely adorable to see him wading around, his front paws held up and lightly treading while his hind legs do all the work.

“To be fair, that’s how I ‘swim’ too,” says someone in comments.

All he needs is a puppy mocktail in a little pool float, and he’s set for a chill pool party.

But aren’t most dog swimmers of the splash and retrieve variety? My dogs would never stop swimming. Then again, Drake seems to be maximizing his relaxation quotient, and who can blame him for that?

How To Keep Your Dog Safe at the Pool

Even though dogs usually know how to swim instinctively, there are a few guidelines that can help keep them safe in the water.

Even though Drake can touch the bottom, that doesn’t mean he can pull himself out of the pool. Whenever your dog is near a pool, it’s vital to teach them where the stairs are, or they may get trapped in the water and drown. Training your dog to swim to the stairs, where it will be easier for them to get out is one of the first steps in pool safety.

Additionally, another danger for dogs at the pool can come in the form of pool vacuums and their snaking cords and cables, which a dog can get tangled in and drown. Never let your dog swim unaccompanied. Just as you would watch a child at the pool, keep an eye on your pet.

Dogs must also be trained to understand that pool covers are not safe to walk on. They can collapse under the dogs weight and drown them.

Pool Chemicals and Doggie Chemistry

Dogs also are not aware that pool water is treated with chemicals and if they drink too much, it may upset their tummies or mess with their health. Make sure there is a regular dish of water available for them poolside to drink from. Staying hydrated is important for both canines and people at the pool.

Similarly, pool chemicals may irritate your dog’s skin. After your dog has been swimming in treated pool water, make sure to rinse them off with a hose or in a bath.

With these precautions in place, there’s no reason your dog can’t enjoy a dip in the pool—even if he walks around it like this weirdo Golden.

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