Golden Retriever’s Guilty Face After Stealing Mom’s Fruit Truly Says It All

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Does your dog ever 'steal' things and then pretend not to know what happened to them? My dog does it often, especially with socks that we find buried in her bed. It happens at A Golden Fam's house too, and their Golden Retriever reacts the same way as my dog does. It's all just deny, deny, deny!

A Golden Fam posted a video on Thursday, September 12th. The dog's human set some dragon fruit down on a plate in the living room and went to use the bathroom. When they came back, half of the fruit was gone. Just check out the Golden's face - he was trying to pretend he didn't know what happened to it, but the evidence is there clear as day...or as the color of dragon fruit!

The dog's just sitting on the couch, watching Peppa Pig and pretending that nothing unusual is going on. Never mind that there's dragon fruit all over their face! The dog even gives their human a little side eye like they're thinking, "What? What are you looking at?"

A Golden Fam's video has been viewed more than 5.1 million times and has more than 6 thousand comments. People loved it! @Eva got more than 84 thousand likes when she asked, "Did you find out who did it?" @MarshaMarsha666 got half as many likes when she pointed out, "Impossible to tell what happened, really." and another commenter added, "He obviously loves you because there is still another half for you. Our Golden Retriever would have eaten the whole thing."

Related: Golden Retriever's Guilty Face After Stealing Cotton Balls Is the Cutest

Yummy Treats Your Dog Will Love

Let's face it, our fur babies deserve treats every now and again...even ones that they steal from us! If you're like me, you might not want to share a treat that's just for you with your dog, but there are other yummy ones that you can offer to them.

Even though summer's wrapping up but many of us are still living with the heat, so here are some fun ideas that will cool your pup off. These are even good after a long walk, whether it's hot out or not. My dog loves it when we put her water bowl outside and fill it with ice cubes. She bobs for the cubes which helps to cool her off. You can change things up and add dog-safe frozen fruits for an even bigger treat! Pupsicles are also a favorite, and something as simple as frozen bone broth made in a silicon mold or ice cube tray can be a refreshing snack for your dog to chew on. Dogs also like 'ice cream'; you can find these pup cups in some grocery stores or make your own with  whipped cream, Greek yogurt, or peanut butter.

If you're not into DIY treats, just add some new ingredients to your dog's dry food. Blueberries, boiled chicken, raw eggs, sardines, cucumbers, and bone broth are all good choices, and dog approved. Each has its own benefits: chicken provides protein, bone broth has many vitamins and minerals, cucumber offers vitamins, minerals, fiber, sardines have Omega 3 fatty acids, and eggs offer proteins and vitamins. The next time your dog deserves a treat, consider any of these!

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