Golden Retriever’s Jealous Face Over Mom Petting Dog Sibling Truly Says It All

Shutterstock/Robin Bouwmeester

If you have more than one pet, chances are that they occasionally get jealous of each other. Daisy and Maple are Golden Retriever sisters, and mom loves them both. But just like siblings, these girls sometimes get jealous as you can see in this video that their humans shared on Saturday, September 7th.

The video is short and starts with Daisy laying in her dog bed. Maple has the coveted place on mom's lap, all smiles while getting her belly rubbed. Mom says that Daisy usually isn't the jealous type, but one look at her face says it all about what she's thinking as she watches Maple get all of mom's love and attention!

Awww! Poor Daisy was feeling left out! There's no doubt that her mom loves her, and she gets just as many snuggles as her sister, but it still hurts her. Commenters also got a kick out of the Golden Retriever's jealous reaction. @teowyn pointed out, "The betrayal in her eyes!" @Carmen suggested, "Awe Daisy needs treats." and Daisy's mom replied, "I gave her cuddles and treats after." @ZUKO & KUMA said simply, "I know that look all too well! LOL!" and Daisy's mom responded with, "Life with two dogs!"

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Do Dogs Get Jealous?

It was clear that Daisy felt a little left out when she wasn't getting loved on like her sister was. Believe it or not, dogs can get jealous of not only other dogs, but of other animals and even humans. How do you know if your dog is feeling a little green with envy? Another Pet Helpful article describes it, "Basically, if your pet’s behavior changes in any way, and it seems to be in direct correlation with a change in the household (e.g., the introduction of a new pet or human newborn), he or she may be feeling territorial and jealous."

The article goes on to say to watch for these signs of jealousy: Barking or growling, always being underfoot ("Your pet may try to claim your attention by being around you more than usual."), disappearing, excessive self-care, under or overeating, acting out, and going to the bathroom in the house.

Providing extra love and attention (and maybe even treats!) can help dissolve some of these jealous feelings and actions. But what else can you do? Deal with those jealous emotions by getting to the source of the issue. Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise each day; a tired dog is less likely to be reactive. When you see jealous activity, send your pooch to time out. Do not condone the negative behavior and let your dog know that it's unacceptable. This is why obedience training is so important, "As your dog learns to accept your commands, she will accept when you tell her to go to her bed, for example, when she displays any jealous behavior."

If all else fails, you may need to consult your vet or a behavior specialist for additional training or tips on dealing with this type of behavior.

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