Golden Retriever Named ‘Maverick’s Halloween Costume Is Such an Obvious Choice

Shutterstock/Emily Skeels

If you have a dog named Maverick, it seems pretty obvious what costume you could dress them up in for Halloween, especially if you're a big fan of the movie Top Gun. This Golden Retriever named Maverick's humans thought the same way I did and have already picked out his costume for the year. I bet you've already figured out what (or who) he's going to be!

Maverick's humans posted the video on Wednesday, September 18th, and he fits the role of Tom Cruise's character Maverick from Top Gun perfectly...he even has the attitude going on and everything! Make sure your sound is on because the song (you're already singing it in your head, aren't you?) makes the video even better!

I'm pretty sure that if I tried putting sunglasses on my dog, she'd freak out! Maverick the adorable Golden Retriever doesn't seem to mind them, though. TikTokers loved this idea, and Maverick's video. @King Koda swooned, "Omg!!! Tom Cruise has nothing on you Mavy!!! You are so handsome!" @Mcpamala said, "I didn’t even have to look!! He will rock that costume!!"

Related: Version of 'Top Gun' Starring Cats Totally Wins the Internet

How to Pick a Costume for Your Dog

I'm a huge fan of the fall season, and it just so happens that I've already decorated for fall, and I'm ready to pull out my Halloween's my favorite holiday to decorate for! If you're like me and Halloween is already on your mind, you might be considering different Halloween costumes for your kids and fur babies. While it's fun to dress up our pooches, there are also some things to remember when looking for the perfect costume.

First things first...will your dog even wear a costume? Some dogs tolerate wearing clothing better than others. Before you rip the tag off of a costume, try it on them and make sure your pooch is okay wearing it. The last thing you want to do is to make them wear one and then have them stressed out and anxious the whole time they have it on. You might want to do a few trial runs to see if they can get used to keeping it on before committing to having them wear it out and about.

You'll also want to make sure that your dog is able to do all the things that they normally can do while wearing it. Can they breathe properly? Do they have unrestricted movement, and can they see, hear, eat, drink, bark, and go potty while wearing the costume? Another thing to remember is to never buy a costume with pieces that can be bit off or chewed off to avoid any choking accidents.

If your dog has skin allergies, keep an eye on them while they are wearing the costume. Make sure they aren't scratching or biting at their skin, as there are dyes and other irritants in costumes that could upset their allergies.

I can't wait to dress up our dog for her first Halloween! She's a Pit Bull mix, and we don't know what she's going to be yet, but I think a princess wearing a tiara would fit her personality perfectly!

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