Golden Retriever’s Parody About Online Dating Is So Relatable


If there's one thing many single people don't look forward to, it's dating. Nowadays, most people look for love online, and it's always hit and miss when it comes to whether or not the person you agree to meet will look like their posted pictures or if the pics are really 20 years old. Internet famous Golden Retriever Teddy decided to try out online dating himself, and his experience is so relatable.

Teddy's dad Johnathan posted a video on Friday, July 19th of what happened when Teddy started meeting ladies in person, and if you've ever did any online dating, you'll totally be nodding your head through the entire video! He set up a profile on 'Love Fetcher' and matches started pouring in. Watch as Teddy navigates the ups and downs of dating - it'll make you laugh!

Teddy's experiences seem spot on! Poor Teddy finally found one that he liked, and she didn't like him! People left more than 3,200 comments about the Golden's video. @Yahs pointed out, "Omg teddy has been dogfished!" and @germanchicky added, "Poor Teddy. He's been bam..poodled?" @Jenny_Jen_26 tried to reassure him, "It's all of us Teddy!"

Related: Golden Retrievers Recreate 'Lady and the Tramp' Dinner for Their First Date Together

Can Dogs Love Other Dogs?

We all know that dogs are social animals and thrive on interactions and building relationships with humans...and with other dogs. Pawsafe explains that dogs can definitely experience love, "Dogs can form strong emotional bonds with each other, displaying behaviors that suggest love and affection. These bonds are evident through play, mutual grooming, protective actions, and seeking comfort in one another’s presence. Such behaviors indicate that dogs are capable of feeling and expressing love towards each other."

Scientific studies have also shown that dogs' brains release oxytocin, also known as the 'love hormone', just like we do when the positively interact with other dogs and even humans. While they might not be able to say 'I love you', they can sure show it!

Pawsafe also shared, "Dogs have their own language of love, which might include licking each other or resting together. They can show empathy, feeling what the other dog feels, which is a big part of what love is about."

Some other ways they show love to other dogs include greeting each other happily, with wagging tails and excited barking, chasing, play fighting, and sharing their favorite toys, and even by showing protective behaviors for one another.

In real life, Teddy might not buy a girl he has his eyes on flowers or take her on a fancy date, but there are ways that he can show that he's interested and at some point, maybe that he loves her. We know that our canine friends have a lot of love to give, so there's no reason why they can't share it with other dogs, too!

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