Goldendoodle Is Straight-up Jelly When Mom Merely Holds Her Daughter’s Baby Doll

CC Thomas Roell/Shutterstock

It's a lot of pressure to be your dog's favorite person. Well not really. It's sort of the best. But it does mean that you might have to deal with your dog's jealousy issues. Just like one woman, who dared hold a baby doll near her Goldendoodle and had to deal with the dog turning green with envy.

Alvin the Goldendoodle has a lot of feelings. Well, he has a lot of feelings about his mama, Sarah Miller, giving some thing attention over him.

In the video Miller shared, it shows her sitting on the couch with the doll in her arms. Which, to quote Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, was a "BIG mistake — HUGE." The dog must not have known that the doll wasn't a real child, because the Goldendoodle was looking at her so intently. Then he made his move.

Related: Goldendoodle Gives Overwhelmed Brother Emotional Support on His Birthday

He pawed at his mama's arm so that she would open up and hold him like the babydoll. Someone was really trying to see if they were still mom's baby too!

"POV the most jealous Doodle you've ever met," she wrote in the text overlay.

"He truly believes he’s the only one in this house that deserves any love or affection!" she joked in the caption.

Commenters were cracking up over Alvin's temper tantrum. "If you see the doll is missing, it’s probably buried in the backyard, but it was not Alvin, he’s innocent," joked one person. "The eye contact after each paw. 'You think this is funny?'" another commenter teased. "The way he moved your hand and looked into your eyes," someone else pointed out. "Alvin said ABSOLUTELY NOT happening," kidded another commenter.

How to Deal with a Jealous Dog

When we get jealous it can be sort of complicated. When dogs get jealous, it's a lot more simple. Sometimes called primordial jealousy, canine jealousy isn't really based on complex social considerations. It only involves the here and now.

The truth is that dogs don't feel jealousy the way we do. That's to say, dogs don't have the same emotional range as us, and what we consider to be jealousy might just be our dogs resource guarding — only in this case the resource is you.

Think about it, you are your dog's source of food, exercise, and care. They need you to keep giving them those things, so they want you devoted to them. Essentially, they see others as threats to their place in the pack.

This behavior can be harmless, but if you're worried about the safety of your child (a real one, not a doll) it's best to talk to their vet. And maybe give them some extra-special attention so they know they're still your number one.

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