Grandma's Funny Way of Keeping Little Dog Cool in the Heat Is Priceless

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The heat has been brutal this summer. We're not ashamed to admit we've been trying all sorts of crazy things to get out of the sun. But a woman online couldn't hold back the laughs when she walked into the room and saw the hilarious way her grandma was trying to keep her dog cool. Although if you ask us, Grandma was just flexing her creative muscles.

We just know that as soon as her grandmother wasn't looking, Cami Jade pulled out her camera and recorded what the woman was doing to her little dog.

There her nan was. Having a totally normal conversation while completely ignoring the fact that she made her dog look like Yoda. In the video Jade shared online, it shows the poor pup wrapped in a towel.

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"POV: It's hot and your nan put a wet tea towel on her dog," she wrote in the onscreen caption.

Does it help to know that the dog's full name is Princess Coco Chanel? Or does that make the whole thing even more silly? Although we personally think the dog looks more like Jackie Kennedy or Audrey Hepburn.

People in the comments section couldn't help but laugh. "Dog looks like it’s going to read your palm," one person commented. "The dog is like 'what girl, go get you one too,'" someone else teased. "The way it’s folded makes it look like she’s holding it herself," a third person kidded. "The way your nan is just acting like this is totally normal," one commenter joked.

Keeping Your Dog Cool in the Summer

If your dog isn't exactly ready for the Yoda life, there are other, non-Yoda, ways to keep them cool in the warm weather.

First things first, make sure your dog is drinking enough water. Hydration is so important, even for animals. Put multiple bowls in different spots around your home and yard — and don't skimp on the ice!

Another way to ensure their safety is to walk your dogs at cooler times of day. Of course if they have to go, they have to go. But scheduling your morning walk just a little earlier and your evening walk a little later can help you beat the worst of the heat.

A fun way to spend your summer is by the pool — and that's true for dogs too. Get them a little doggie pool that they can splash around in. Again, do it in cooler parts of the day when the sun's not as strong. could try Nan's method. It certainly is a fashionable way to cool down.

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