Grizzly Bears in Alaska ‘Waving’ to Say Hello Have People in Awe

Shutterstock/Warren Metcalf

Grizzly bears aren't normally known for being friendly, but TikToker Hailey ran into three very friendly ones in Sitka, Alaska! She shared a video at the end of April showing off all of the amazing things she gets to see while she's working a seasonal job in Alaska, and friendly grizzlies are one of them.

The video shows off some beautiful scenery, but it starts with three grizzly bears. Hailey appears to be on the second floor or so of an old building, looking down at the massive bears. One of them is standing and two are sitting, all of them looking up at her. One of the bears seems to be waving hello to her. What an incredible welcome to her summer home!

Commenters swooned over the beauty of Sitka, and many asked how she got the job and how they can get the same gig. But a few commenters pointed out how cool it was to be waved at by a grizzly bear. @pinklenni said, "The one standing looks like CGI (computer generated content), I love bears so much! They are so mesmerizing." and Hailey replied, "He made my day. I was not expecting that LOL!" and commenter @Jasmin added, "I’m sorry but you can’t tell me that’s not a human in a bear suit haha!" It really doesn't look real, but I bet Hailey wasn't about to go down there and find out!

Related: Video of Grizzly Cub Fishing for the First Time Is Making People Smile

Cool Grizzly Bear Facts

Grizzly bears are terrifying, and I wouldn't want to run into one out in the wild. As you could see when the bear waved, their paws are huge - their front paws can grow to be five to seven inches long and six inches wide, while their back paws grow even longer. That not even including their massive claws; they can grow to anywhere between four to six inches long and can be as thick as a cigar. Imagine getting smacked by that! While most bears need claws to climb trees, grizzly bears mostly use theirs to dig and to catch fish.

It's funny to think that these apex predators mostly eat bushes, berries, fruit, leaves, and roots. If they're hungry enough and come across an animal - whether it be a small rodent or a huge moose - they will kill it and enjoy it as a meal but are happy to survive as vegetarians.

For the most part, grizzly bears are solitary animals that try to avoid humans, but if they are surprised by one or a mom and her cubs run into humans, they will attack. If you ever find yourself face to face with one do not run because you won't win the race - they can run up to 30 MPH!

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