Grumpy’ Bunny Gets a Spa Day and Exactly Everyone Finds It Relaxing


If there's one thing that all of us can use, it's a relaxing spa day. Pets enjoy being pampered too, and it's something that you can do for them at home. The Lexi Bunch shared a video on Wednesday, September 18th of their 'grouchy' bunny's spa day, and it's a moment of Zen that'll make you say, "Ahhhhhh" and instantly relax.

It starts with a sweet treat that the bunny seems to approve of. He also gets a custom facial as well as an ear and shoulder massage. Up next is a mani/pedi (including a paw massage), and deep tissue massage. He even gets his hair done!

Is it weird that I'm jealous of a rabbit because I am! The music instantly relaxed me, and I enjoyed the minute of complete calmness. I'm ready for a nap! Commenters felt the same way I did about The Lexi Bunch's video. @Hannah Bailey pointed out, "You say he’s grumpy, but he let you cut those nails so nice! Mine only knows violence and tries to attack!" @Shauna pointed out, "Loaf massage!" and the bunny's human replied, "He was getting into it!" @TheDonkee pointed out, "You forgot the cheek rubs." and The Lexi Bunch replied, "No wonder he didn't tip!

Related: Woman Shares Adorable Ways Bunnies Show They Trust Humans

Do Bunnies Make Good Pets?

I might be biased since we have a pet rabbit, but yes, I think they make great pets! Rabbits often get a bad rap as being standoffish, and sometimes our rabbit still is even though he's been with us for four years. But the more you interact with them, the more social they become. They can live for up to 10 years, so know that they'll be around for a while if you choose to bring a rabbit into your family.

With proper socialization, you can develop a strong bond with your bunny and have a very happy and content rabbit. You can tell if your rabbit is happy because they'll do lots of binkies, especially when you're paying them a lot of attention. They'll also purr like a cat, and when they're relaxed, they flop and lay down in a loaf or like a frog. One of my favorite things they do is grooming; our bunny stands on his hind feet and washes his little face and it's absolutely adorable! He also gives us kisses, although I don't get them nearly as often as my daughters do. Another cute thing he does is thump with his little foot. If he gets angry or upset, he'll thump. And while I don't get kisses very often, I do get thumped at!

I'll be honest and admit that the first rabbit we got wasn't nearly as social, friendly, or approachable as our bunny now is. But with a little patience and time, a rabbit can learn to trust you and want to be around you, and it's worth it because they make pretty cool pets!

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