Guy’s Explanation of Why Cats Wake up Their Humans at 3AM Is All Too Relatable

CC Steve Collender/Shutterstock

For most of us pet parents it's hard to walk by our fur babies without stopping to pet them or kiss on them...even if that means waking them up when they're sleeping. They're just so cute and we want them to know how much we love them! Milo's human Jared does the exact same thing, and he also says that this might be the reason that our cats wake us up in the middle of the night!

Jared shared a video in mid-September of him walking by Milo as he sleeps and what he does each time he sees his purr baby. He can't help but walk by and stop to kiss him and tell him how much he loves him! Flash forward to one night at 3AM when Milo decides to do the same thing to Jared!

Well, all of those middle-of-the-night wake ups make sense now, don't they?! Milo is just doing the same thing that Jared does to him; it just happens to Milo during the day when cats sleep the most! Commenters also had a light bulb moment after watching the video. @Karla said simply, "Now it makes sense!" and Jared replied, "I didn't realize I was the problem." @jmarmy joked, "Villains are never born, they are created LOL!" and @kayaaa joked, "The end was personal, and I can't stop laughing!!!"

Related: Grouchy Cat’s Reaction to Waking up From a Nap Is So Relatable

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

If you have a cat at home, you may have wished that you could sleep as much as they do. Cats sleep a lot, and most humans are jealous that they get to spend their days just dozing all over the house. Another Pet Helpful article shared just how much they actually sleep, "Cats sure are good sleepers. Just like their lion cousins, they may spend 60% of the day sleeping—that's 16 out of 24 hours in a day. They are instinctively conserving energy so they can concentrate on hunting." Domestic cats may not hunt like their wild ancestors, but it's still an instinct that they prepare for. The article goes on to say, "In reality, cats do not sleep 16 hours straight; rather, they alternate sleep with rest."

Wondering if cats dream? They sure do. When they dream, you might notice their tails and legs move or you may even hear them meow. Reader's Digest shares what they may be dreaming about, "Research has shown that all mammals dream. During sleep, the mammalian brain needs to organize and arrange images from the day." The article goes on to say, "Since we’re unable to ask them what they dream about, we have to deduce that, similar to us, they dream about their day. If they went outside and saw a bird and another kitty friend, those images are likely what is playing through their mind during sleep. Perhaps they’re even dreaming about you, their delicious dinner, and the pens and ChapStick that they pushed off of your table just so they could watch them fall!”

While Jared jokes about Milo waking him up in the middle of the night as payback, remember that cats are nocturnal. When it's our time to sleep, it's also usually the time that our cats may be the most active and playful. If this bothers your sleeping, you may want to close your bedroom door or keep them in a room that they can't get out of. You may hear them, but you won't have to worry about being scared awake like Jared was.

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