Hungry Bloodhounds Are Miffed That Mom Won’t Feed Them Dinner Whenever They Want

CC Anna Tronova/Shutterstock

It's hard to say no to your dog when they're feeling peckish. But what to do when it seems like they're always hungry. Worse — what to do when they start asking for dinner pretty much right after lunch?

It's a good thing that Bloodhounds Winnie and Roo are as cute as they are, because they were really giving their owner a hard time over food in a video online.

The clip shows the Bloodhounds at their mama's feet begging — no demanding — that they be fed their dinner. It didn't matter that they started asking for food at *checks watch* about 2:30 pm. By 4:30 the two were starving — couldn't their owner tell?

Related: Bloodhound's Annoyance Over Kid Playing a Recorder Has Parents Feeling Seen

The dogs were barking and stomping their feet, trying to convince her to feed them.

"Can dogs call you names? Because I think they are," the owner joked in the text overlay.

"Every single night they yell at me," she added in the caption.

The comments section was laughing so hard at these needy pets. "Getting up to eye level…‘Scuse me, perhaps you didn’t hear me the first time. IT’S TIME TO EAT!" one person commented. "He is HUNGRY, someone help him," another commenter teased. "Dinner at 2:30, deserts at 4:30, bedtime snackies at 6:30. Deal???" kidded one person. "I don’t need pets because I would probably give in every time they ask," admitted another commenter. 

How Often Should You Feed Your Dog?

If left up to them, we know that dogs would probably eat 24/7. They love food! But the truth is that dogs don't need to eat quite that much.

In fact, dogs should probably eat twice a day, at times when their human family eats. You'll want to space their meals out about 12 hours apart too and stick to that time frame. Any longer and it can really have negative side effects. Their stomachs can become hyper-acidic and your dog can become nauseous.

Some dogs aren't really big on eating their food all at once. They're more into grazing. Even if your dog likes to nibble here and there, it's still a good idea to feed them at consistent times everyday and get them used to the ideas of breakfast and dinner times. Fill your dog's bowl up with their normal amount of food, but make sure to offer the bowl several times throughout the day.

If you really are unsure, consult your vet about how much to feed your dog. They can even guide you to the right kind of food to buy your pup and can tell you how big a portion to serve them. If you've just gotten your first dog it can be confusing. But once you get the hang of it, your dogs will be hounding you for food in no time.

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