Hungry Norfolk Terrier Living in Italy Gets Caught Sneaking to Deli to Beg for Meat

XUAN THONG/Shutterstock

There are so many reasons to adore our four-legged friends, from the ways they show affection to the ways they make us laugh. Whether they're napping in a random spot or begging for a snack, there's never a dull moment! It's always nice to see and hear stories from other pet owners being kept on their toes, but you'll be happy to know that even Italian dogs can't help but cause mischief.

In a scene straight out of a movie, Roman resident @sophieminchilli witnessed a hilarious interaction between a man and his dog. At first, he was looking for the missing pup, but the next time Sophie saw him, he had the naughty dog in his arms. Just wait until you see what this dog did to get in trouble!

LOL! This little dog knew exactly what he was doing, and he regrets nothing. After all, that's exactly what a dog should do when living in a culinary paradise! It's becoming more common knowledge that dogs are beloved and included everywhere in Italy- even in grocery stores- so it's only a matter of time before dogs start taking advantage of the system. And this Norfolk Terrier isn't the only one trying his luck!

Related: Maltipoo's Trip to Italian Corner Store Proves Just How Popular Dogs Are In Italy

This is "Every Italian dog ever," commented Sylvia. "The grocery store downstairs gives my dog ham and croissants every time." That's so sweet! I'm sure Italian dogs love going to the grocery store just to sniff and sample. I sure would!

The cheeky pup Sophie met is the perfect example of a dog's fondness for food. He had the worried dog owner searching down the street, but next time, he'll know to check the deli instead. It makes sense why a dog would beeline to the alimentari. In @satisfyinghub's words: "Mortadella is life!"

What Meats Can Dogs Eat?

If they could, just about every dog would line up at the local deli for a bite to eat. There are so many meats, cheeses, and bread options for them to sample, but are deli meats all safe for canine consumption?

While most meats are perfectly safe for dogs to eat, some deli meats and processed meats could do more harm than good. That's because deli meats are high in sodium, nitrates, and sometimes preservatives. A bite as a treat is unlikely to harm a healthy dog but stick to plain, fresh meat when feeding your dog instead.

Deli meats may taste better than unseasoned chicken, which explains why dogs like this cheeky terrier pup would do almost anything for a bite. If you ask him, a few minutes in air jail was worth it!

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