Indoor Baby Donkey Shares a Day in His Life and It’s a Joy to Watch


Have you ever considered having a pet donkey that lives inside of your house? Our Simple Homestead has a little donkey named Cash who is absolutely adorable! He shared what a day in his life as an indoor donkey looked like on the family's Instagram account in mid-June, and it's making all of us want a baby donkey!

Cash's day starts early - he said that he's normally up before it's even light out but that his mom and dad don't mind because he's so cute. Just like a human baby, the first thing he wants is his bottle. After that he heads outside to help his mom feed everybody else. There's playtime, protecting his mom time, and more. Watch as he practices being a 'racehorse' because it's the cutest thing you'll see today!

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Fans of Our Simple Homestead loved the cute video and had a lot to say about Cash's day and (of course!) left comments about how cute he is. @Jason Muelver pointed out, "I love how he activates his speed ears when he runs!" @dodo1971 asked, "Why can’t his mom take care of him right now?" and another commenter replied, "The mother tried to kill him, and they saved him." @susand1776 was spot on when she said, "He gets cuter by the day!!"

Related: Man Rocks Newborn Donkey to Sleep Like He's a Human Baby and It's Cuteness Overload

Do Donkeys Make Good Pets?

If you're like me, chances are you're now considering getting a baby donkey as a pet! While I know I don't want a donkey living in my house, it's a fun thing to dream about. The first thing that came to mind about having a donkey in the house is where does it go to the bathroom and can you potty train one? According to several sites, it can be done. They are not as easy to house train as cats and dogs, but they can be taught to go in a designated area.

Many people, including some of my family, have had donkeys as pets and swear that they make great pets. They're intelligent and easily trainable (even though they're known to be stubborn). They are very gentle and affectionate and form strong bonds with their humans as you can see between Cash and mom and dad. Of course, they do need room to run and play outside, and it sounds like his parents take him out throughout the day to burn off some of his energy.

Donkeys are pretty noisy animals. They bray like this little donkey who just found his voice and also make other noises like growls, grunts, squeals, and snorts. They make these sounds often and loudly, especially when they're hungry.

There are pros and cons to owning any pet. If you're considering bringing home a miniature donkey to keep on your farm (or in the house!), make sure to do your research to see if its needs and requirements fit your family's lifestyle.

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