The Internet Is Amazed by Cat and Dog Working Together to Sneak Treats

CC Tina Rencelj/Shutterstock

We used to think it was a bad thing that cats and dogs don't get along, but after watching a video online we're not so sure. It actually might be worse if cats and dogs do like each other. And if you don't believe us, take a look at a real video of a Labrador Retriever and a cat working together to break the rules.

It really is their owner's fault if you ask us. The man gave his two pets all the tools they needed to do some serious misdeeds.

In a video that's gone viral online, it shows the Lab Ruby being taught a special new trick: how to move objects. Hmmm, we wonder how this could go wrong. Her dad first showed her how to move a cushion across the floor.

Related: Video of Blind Labrador Who Still Loves to 'Retrieve' Things Is Melting People's Hearts

Then the man did something sneaky. He put a bag of treats on a dresser in the room and left the Labrador Retriever alone with his cat, Pearl. That's when things took a turn. Using her new skill, Ruby pushed a hamper towards the dresser. Then Pearl took it from there. Success!

People in the comments section were honestly so impressed. "Nah that’s actually crazy, they’re both so smart," wrote one person. "The craziest part is that the cat actually did what the dog said," someone else pointed out. "Wait, why can these two communicate better than most adults I know?" another commenter joked. "This guy is just out to prove he could make a new Homeward Bound movie and you know what? I would watch the heck out of that," kidded another commenter.

Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

It's not totally unheard of for cats and dogs to be friends. But there are certain breeds that gel with cats better than others.

The first breed on our list is Basset Hounds. Who couldn't love a Basset Hound? These dogs are patient, loyal, and very low-key. Which matches a cat's energy, don't you think?

Bulldogs are another breed that have no issues with kitties. They have very gentle temperaments, despite their size. And because they're so easygoing they can deal with a cat's moods.

If you want a more athletic dog, Collies are known for being great with children. They need lots of exercise and are good at being around people. But they also can hang with the family cats too without issue too.

You already know Labrador Retrievers are good with cats. In fact, it seems that these two might need some time apart.

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