Italian Greyhound Puppy's Shrieking Yawns Are Too Cute for Words

CC ivan_kislitsin/Shutterstock

Dogs are so cute. They don't even have to try hard and they're adorable. Like an Italian Greyhound online who's attracted so much attention online simply for the noises he makes when he's tired. His yawns are so delightful! He's just the sleepiest little guy.

Every time Yeti is tired he lets out a yawn. And every time he does it, the internet is driven into a tizzy. It's so cute! We don't know how his owners get anything done. We'd be watching Yeti all day.

Yeti sure knows how to please an audience. The little guy had people online swooning with his tiny "shrieking yawns." Have you ever seen a dog release a sound like this? We hope the Italian Greyhound never grows out of this phase. We'd be so disappointed if he lost his trademark sound.

Related: Italian Greyhound Serves Up Fierce Looks In Highly Fashionable Video

"Yeti yawns. I’m a sleepy boy!" his mama joked in the video's caption.

People in the comments section were obsessed. "Costume idea: Zero from The Nightmare before Christmas!" exclaimed one commenter. "My favorite is the two foot stomps then yawn," someone else added. "My Chihuahua does this and it’s my favorite thing. I’ve never caught it on video before tho!" someone else mentioned. "I love that his ears go into sport mode when he yawns," one person chimed in.

Italian Greyhounds as Pets

With their sleek bodies and friendly demeanors, there's nothing better than an Italian Greyhound. They're the absolute best. Greyhounds are sweet-natured and gentle. But you do need to have a lot of stamina for these little guys. They love to run around.

Italian Greyhounds basically have two modes: couch potato and ball of energy. These dogs can spring up and start buzzing around when they need to release their energy. They'll start bouncing around the house lightning quick. Once they tire themselves out, they'll plop themselves back on the couch to lay next to you. But it's best to know what to expect.

When an Italian Greyhound wants to cuddle, they really go for it. These dogs love warmth and will either try cozying up to their humans or sprawl out to get some. You can reliably find an Italian greyhound hiding under pillows and blankets too.

As far as personalities go, Italian Greyhounds are friendly. But they can be a little aloof around strangers. You need to socialize them early or they can be a bit timid. Similarly, they can be friendly around other pets, but have a high prey drive and might go after smaller animals.

It's all to say that Italian Greyhounds are pretty much the perfect animals. And who knows? Your pup might make some sweet shrieking yawns too!

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