Labrador Retrievers Team Up to Fetch an Entire Tree Branch While Swimming in the Lake

Richard Chaff/Shutterstock

There are so many reasons to love dogs, but their one-in-a-million personalities are at the top of the list. Each pup has their own quirks and idiosyncrasies that make them who they are, but once in a blue moon, two dogs find themselves on the very same train of thought. Pets who live together may have matching routines and complimentary moods, but it takes a special connection to work together to reach a common goal.

Just ask Gary Leiteritz's Labrador Retrievers! This proud dog owner couldn't resist sharing a video of the dogs' impressive feat on September 8 after they paddled in from a swim with an entire tree branch in tow. Naturally, they've gained quite a few new fans since the clip went viral, but no one is more proud than the Labs themselves. Take a look!

OMG--that's almost an entire tree! Commenter @turtle8978 wasn't the only one who "thought the brown puppy was roots, and it was a whole tree at first." It would take a very strong, muscular dog (or a very buoyant tree) to make that happen, but the real outcome of this video is far more precious. Two happy dogs are always better than one!

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The scene became even sweeter once viewers pointed out how the branch's color gradient matched with the dogs on each side. The Yellow Lab held the light brown side, while the Chocolate Lab had the darker side. Everything about this is perfectly symmetrical and matching, which couldn't be more satisfying. My only complaint is that the video isn't longer!

Some well-trained dogs can perform tasks perfectly in sync with one another, but--in my opinion--it's so much more impressive when it happens spontaneously like this. These Labrador Retrievers are steering the giant branch so well, and that requires major teamwork.

Why Do Retrievers Retrieve?

Anyone who's loved a Labrador or Golden Retriever knows just how much they love playing fetch and holding things in their mouths. But why is this? As you may have guessed by their names, these retriever breeds have deeply embedded instincts that make them hardwired for, well--retrieving!

Decades of being loyal hunting companions have resulted in dogs that excel in stalking, catching, and carrying prey. These dogs may chase birds and small animals, but they might also treat their dog toys like beloved treasures, carrying them around wherever they go. These dogs may use their mouths more frequently than other breeds, but they rarely bite or act out after growing out of the puppy phase.

As these adorable Labs proved in this TikTok video, however, these dogs will never hesitate to have fun and dream big. It's no wonder why they're such a beloved dog breed!

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