Leaky Door Ruins Dog Mom's Innocent Joke and Results in One Mad Maltese

Tomsickova Tatyana/Shutterstock

Let's face it--no pet parent is perfect. No matter how much your dog worships the ground you walk on, even the most experienced owners can mess up sometimes. Maybe you forgot to pick up kibble at the store or you accidentally stepped on your dog's tail; whatever mistakes are made, it's not the end of the world.

As one dog mom recently found out, it can feel like the end of the world when your pet is mad at you. But sometimes it can't be avoided! On June 20, Georgie Ann, the Maltese, was watching her mom water the plants from inside the back door when one innocent joke went completely wrong. If you look closely, you can see the moment the dog's mood completely shifts!

Oh no! I'm not sure who I feel worse for--Georgie Ann or her well-meaning mama. The poor pup's face was absolutely drenched in water, but all she needed was a touch-up with a towel or hairdryer to be dry and styled (as she should be). It's not the same as a trip to the groomer's, but it's a quick fix!

Related: Maltese-Shih-Tzu Mix Totally Outs Herself Getting Into Trouble with Her Mischievous Smile

Still, the shock of being hit with water had to be hard to sit with. As viewer @vtja16 noticed, the "poor baby stopped wagging her tail and everything." She was big mad! Judging by the Maltese dog's previous TikTok videos, though, this grumpiness is nothing new.

I also feel for the dog's owner, though, because dog mom guilt is all too real. She was just teasing Georgie Ann! Besides, plenty of pup parents have aimed the garden hose at the door where their dog is. Let's be honest--it's fun to see their reaction! Dogs who bark and jump at the hose like this little dog could have fun running from the water, but these puppy princess wasn't expecting to actually get wet.

Dogs and Hoses: A Love-Hate Relationship

There are plenty of things dogs love-- like treats, toys, and back scratches--but I've noticed that dogs either like or hate the garden hose. My family's rescue dog, for example, was extremely afraid of hoses and showers at first, but it's likely he had good reason to feel that way before he came to us.

As for my Husky mix? He loves the hose! He can be too lazy to swim sometimes, but the hose or sprinklers is the perfect way to cool off with minimal effort. He'd lie out in the rain if we let him! While many dogs find the hose to be playful and fun, other dogs may be nervous--and that's totally fine.

While Georgie Ann and her mama have shaken off this hose incident by now, it'll be interesting to see how the pup feels about the garden hose in the future. Only time will tell!

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