Blind date: ‘Did we kiss? No, but I wish we had’

<span>Photograph: Sam Frost & Graeme Robertson/The Guardian</span>
Photograph: Sam Frost & Graeme Robertson/The Guardian

Ruth on Stacy

What were you hoping for?
That she would turn up, and we would both stay for at least the meal!

First impressions?
She was cute, likable, approachable, lovely eyes, great smile.

What did you talk about?
Oh gosh, loads … Holidays. Food. Friends – particularly how hilariously excited our friends were at this blind date! Work. Family.

Most awkward moment?
Me patronisingly explaining how godparents work in the UK, completely forgetting she has one.

Good table manners?
She said she was a messy eater, but she totally wasn’t.

Best thing about Stacy?
She was just really, really nice, and made the whole thing much easier than I had anticipated.

Would you introduce Stacy to your friends?
Absolutely: she was great company.

Blind date is Saturday’s dating column: every week, two strangers are paired up for dinner and drinks, and then spill the beans to us, answering a set of questions. This runs, with a photograph we take of each dater before the date, in Saturday magazine (in the UK) and online at every Saturday. It’s been running since 2009 – you can read all about how we put it together here.

What questions will I be asked?
We ask about age, location, occupation, hobbies, interests and the type of person you are looking to meet. If you do not think these questions cover everything you would like to know, tell us what’s on your mind.

Can I choose who I match with?
No, it’s a blind date! But we do ask you a bit about your interests, preferences, etc – the more you tell us, the better the match is likely to be.

Can I pick the photograph?
No, but don't worry: we'll choose the nicest ones.

What personal details will appear?
Your first name, job and age.

How should I answer?
Honestly but respectfully. Be mindful of how it will read to your date, and that Blind date reaches a large audience, in print and online.

Will I see the other person’s answers?
No. We may edit yours and theirs for a range of reasons, including length, and we may ask you for more details.

Will you find me The One?
We’ll try! Marriage! Babies!

Can I do it in my home town?
Only if it’s in the UK. Many of our applicants live in London, but we would love to hear from people living elsewhere.

How to apply

Describe Stacy in three words.
Cute, American (although she wouldn’t like me saying that!), quirky, fascinating … That’s four things, oops.

What do you think Stacy made of you?
Nervous (I was), overdressed (I blame my friends), complex (I am).

Did you go on somewhere?
It was a stunningly beautiful afternoon, so we had a walk up Primrose Hill (see the selfie, below).

And … did you kiss?
No, but I wish we had.

If you could change one thing about the afternoon, what would it be?
I wish I hadn’t overthought it all, and had relaxed more. We had a fantastic three hours together and it didn’t drag at all, which is awesome.

Marks out of 10?

Would you meet again?
Hopefully … keep your fingers crossed for me.

Stacy on Ruth

What were you hoping for?
To meet someone sporty and chill.

First impressions?
She seemed a bit nervous.

What did you talk about?
Training regimens for races. Concepts of home. Family. The joys of going to bed early.
How great Les Misérables is.

Most awkward moment?
Making our way through the crowded market afterwards. I know the area well and didn’t want to get her lost.

Good table manners?
Excellent. She was up for sharing all the dishes, which worked as we’re both veggie.

Best thing about Ruth?
She’s really thoughtful, and asked perfectly timed questions. She also had some sage advice about breakups and grief, which I really appreciated.

Would you introduce Ruth to your friends?
For sure, especially the cold water swimmers.

Describe Ruth in three words
Caring, gentle, sporty.

What do you think Ruth made of you?
That I was too chatty – or enthusiastic!

Did you go on somewhere?
A walk in the park and dog watched. She pointed out the fluffiest ones for me.

And … did you kiss?
No, but we had a nice hug.

If you could change one thing about the date, what would it be?
More time in the park, as it was such a gorgeous day.

Marks out of 10?

Would you meet again?
Yes, we’ve traded numbers. A country walk would be nice, or a cycle ride, though I doubt my bike is as good as hers!

Stacy and Ruth ate at The Good Egg, London NW1. Fancy a blind date?
