How British Airways has changed since the 1970s

British Airways was regarded around the world as the standard bearer for sophisticated Britain
British Airways was regarded around the world as the standard bearer for sophisticated Britain - Will Hartley

Nostalgia tends to play tricks on one’s memory. This is particularly true of the golden ages of air travel, variously identified as having taken place in the 1930s, the 1960s and the 1970s. I can’t speak from personal experience of the two earlier eras but I was an active participant in the last golden age.

This was the decade when British Airways – exactly 50 years ago today – was created out of a merger of BEA and BOAC and quickly became regarded around the world as the standard bearer for cool, hip, sophisticated Britain. Front and centre of this glossy image, after its introduction in 1969, was Concorde, the supersonic phenomenon that was both an aesthetic masterpiece and a financial calamity.

Flying Concorde was like having a front-row seat at the Oscars, with liveried waiter service thrown in. When you came on board the pencil-thin, four-abreast cabin you’d see Joan Collins in her customary 1A seat, a little further back maybe Sir Paul McCartney and Sir Elton John, then a scattering of Hollywood film stars, and perhaps Princess Diana, Dolly Parton and even Mikhail Gorbachev. You would be served Dom Perignon and beluga caviar before a meal that usually featured lobster thermidor and fresh Scottish salmon served on Royal Doulton china. There was no in-flight entertainment. It wasn’t needed.

The last ever British Airways commercial Concorde flight touched down at Heathrow airport in October 2003
The last ever British Airways commercial Concorde flight touched down at Heathrow airport in October 2003 - Getty

But the best thing about Concorde was the great sense of travel at the edge, scything through the inky blackness of inner space at twice the speed of sound; through the small, oval windows you could see the curvature of the earth. I remember on several flights into the UK seeing the aurora borealis from 60,000 feet, an unforgettable experience. To put this thrilling, otherworldly event into commercial perspective, the cost of a London-New York return Concorde fare by the late 1980s was in the region of £10,000 in today’s money.

Sadly, Concorde represented economic folly that was always going to be its undoing. It used 22 tons of fuel an hour, twice the consumption of a 747 carrying four times the number of passengers, and in the late 1990s BA needed around $1,814 per seat to break even on the Concorde, as opposed to $357 on a 400-seat 747 and $390 on a 275-seat Airbus A340.

In the end, the accountants prevailed over the dreamers and our infatuation with the ultimate flying machine was cruelly cut short. As I wrote in my notebook on my last Concorde flight: “The future of travel lies in the superjumbos and the new generation of fuel-efficient Boeings and Airbuses, with fuel consumptions equivalent to that of a VW Beetle and emissions which, by comparison, were as harmful to the ozone layer as a lawnmower. Appropriate as these changes are to the modern world, we shall be diminished by the passing of Concorde.” And so we are.

Meanwhile, back in the 1960s and 1970s golden age, BA, like the world’s other name-brand international airlines (TWA, Pan Am, Qantas, Singapore Airlines), was at the forefront of the democratisation of international air travel. Suddenly flying to foreign countries was no longer the domain of a small affluent elite but, thanks to the arrival of the 747 and the deregulation of the American aviation industry, it had come within reach of ordinary salaried mortals. Air fares plunged and through the decades continued to plummet. In 1970, a return economy class air fare between New York and London was £440 ($550), which is the equivalent of £4,280 today. This month a round-trip between the two cities can be bought for £353.

British Airways staff recreate the airline's famous 1989 Face advert to celebrate Red Nose Day in 2015
British Airways staff recreate the airline's famous 1989 Face advert to celebrate Red Nose Day in 2015 - Getty

How else, you may ask, has the experience of flying changed since BA was born, 50 years ago? Firstly, airline passengers maintained a high standard of sartorial elegance, men invariably dressing up to travel in suits and brogues while women were chicly attired in cotton frocks and high heels. There was no laid-down dress code, but flying was an event, an occasion like going to the theatre, everything the Peter Stuyvesant cigarette ads of the time celebrated about the sophistication of air travel… and smoking.

These days international travellers arrive at Heathrow in casual wear – many in tracksuits and trainers, or even the dreaded onesie – reflecting not only the changes in our society but the fact that international air travel has become a rather mundane, everyday part of our lives. A bus service at 30,000 feet.

On the plus side, there has been a massive improvement in the in-flight entertainment. From the 1960s until well into the 1980s, it was worse than mediocre. Passengers in all classes were obliged to endure films chosen by anonymous airline executives or hired “media consultants” with questionable taste. These were shown on tiny pull-down screens at the front of every cabin. You could barely see what was going on and the sound quality was dreadful, delivered through plastic tubes that passed as earphones.

Needless to say in this digital age of seat-back screens, a dizzying choice of films, TV shows and documentaries, one is at least entertained during jam-packed long-haul flights. And jam-packed they are – seat pitch, not just on BA but all airlines, has diminished over the decades from an industry standard of around 34 inches to just 30 or 31.

Reflecting on BA’s 50 years, it is clear that major technological advances have improved the in-flight experience, but in other respects, modern demographic and economic demands have unavoidably lessened the enjoyment. The travelling public has grown in staggering numbers. In the year 2000, airlines carried 1.6 billion passengers across the planet, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA); five years later that number had grown to 2.1 billion; today it is well past 4 billion. Back in the golden age, there were tens of thousands, each paying dizzying sums for a ticket – so, of course, it was easier to give them plenty of legroom and silver service.

Furthermore, the golden age came before international terrorists began targeting air travel, thus passengers were not obliged to suffer through the tedious airport security checks that are the norm today. Back then, you simply showed your ticket and passport and sashayed onto the plane.

The opulent golden age is gone, and flying BA – unless you’re lucky enough to turn left as you board, would rarely be described as “glamorous”. Yet it, and other airlines, are efficiently moving record-breaking numbers of humans around the globe, in reasonable comfort, for relatively piffling sums of money when compared to previous eras, while maintaining unbelievably good safety records (2023 was the safest year in aviation history). In 50 years’ time, we may well be remembering this as the golden age of air travel.

Air stewardesses in front of a scale model of Concorde, circa 1970
Air stewardesses in front of a scale model of Concorde, circa 1970 - HULTON ARCHIVE/GETTY

British Airways 50 years ago – and now:

The routes

BA already had most of the world covered by the 1970s, with more than 170 cities appearing on its route map. All the key European cities are present and correct, as well as classic long-haul destinations like New York, Barbados and Tokyo. But the presence of several cities will cause pause for thought, such as Damascus, Baghdad and Tehran. Now off-limits, they were all perfectly feasible holiday destinations back in the 1970s.

The airline’s current route map includes 206 destinations in 65 countries, with relatively obscure cities like Algiers, Tirana, Accra, Bangalore and Billund now appearing. Sharm el-Sheikh, too, wasn’t an option in the 1970s but is today. New routes planned for this year include Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur, which will recommence in winter 2024.

Based on flight frequency, the most popular route 50 years ago was London-Paris, with 12 daily departures. Today, it’s London-Edinburgh.

The fleet

In 1974, the British Airways fleet consisted of Boeing 707s, Vickers VC10s, Hawker Siddeley Tridents and BAC One-Elevens, but the stars of its 218-strong fleet were undoubtedly Concorde and the Boeing 747. The former was, quite simply, one of history’s greatest engineering achievements. The latter was emblematic of the transformation of air travel from niche luxury enjoyed by the few to basic commodity available to all. Our recent feature on the greatest passenger planes of all time ranked them 2nd and 1st, respectively.

Today, BA has a fleet of 242 aircraft, with 50 more on order. All of those classic jets, listed above, have been retired – even the iconic 747, the last of which was removed from the airline’s hangars in December 2020. In their place, there are 12 Airbus A380 “superjumbos”, more than 100 jets from the short-haul A320 family, 37 Boeing 787 “Dreamliners” and around 60 long-haul 777s.

Cabin crew attire

British Airways has always pushed boundaries when it comes to cabin-crew fashion
British Airways has always pushed boundaries when it comes to cabin-crew fashion

The 1960s and 1970s saw BA (and predecessors BOAC and BEA) push the boundaries when it came to cabin-crew fashion. A paper dress (unveiled in 1967) may have helped put passengers into a holiday mood as they travelled to the Caribbean, but the fad did not last and the disposable outfits were withdrawn after less than a year. In their place came French navy suits by Sir Hardy Amies, who would go on to create a number of other designs for the airline. In 1977, British fashion house Baccarat Wetherall was then enlisted to produce a uniform “elegant enough to appear in Vogue”. It was dark blue, consisting of a red-lined jacket, a skirt or flared trousers, a white blouse worn with a silk scarf, a dark blue leather shoulder bag and matching belt, a lightweight PVC overcoat and a small-brimmed hat.

The most recent cabin crew uniform was unveiled in 2023. In addition to trouser suits, skirts, tunics and hijabs, designed by celebrated Savile Row tailor Ozwald Boateng, BA chose to include a “modern jumpsuit” in its line-up. The new uniform was five years in the making, having suffered repeated delays – most recently as a result of the economic fallout from the pandemic.

Female captains

Lynn Barton, British Airways' first female captain in 1987
Lynn Barton, British Airways' first female captain in 1987 - ED/AJ

In 1974, British Airways possessed not a single female captain. The first, Lynn Barton, took to the skies as recently as October 31, 1987, at the age of 30. By 2022, 6.4 per cent of the airline’s pilots were female – around 230 individuals.


Yes, legroom was better in the 1970s, with around 34 inches of “seat pitch” being the norm in economy class (today it’s more like 30-31 inches), and cabins generally roomier (with room to wheel around a proper trolley of sumptuous food – more on which below).   But it wasn’t all positive. There were no proper flat beds in premium cabins (they didn’t arrive until the 1980s, with the introduction of BA’s “Sleeper Seat”), and passengers had to put up with the stench of cigarette smoke permeating the plane. Furthermore, airport lounges didn’t exist as they do today. Today, BA has lounges in Heathrow Terminals 3 and 5, and is preparing to open new ones in Dubai and Miami.

Food and drink

Just take a look at the menu from the early 1970s. The wonderful juxtaposition of humble ingredients with exotic words or locations. Paupiette of sole Lebanon. Duckling Bigarade. Asparagus spears Mimosa. But what about the prawn cocktail? Ah – there it is!

BA has, of course, faced criticism for cutting its free food and drink offering in recent years, though premium passengers can still gorge themselves at 35,000 feet. The current first-class menu still has duck (oak-smoked, with melon, pomegranate and parsley purée, rather than à l’orange), beef (aged, and reared in Herefordshire) and asparagus (with “scorched” onions – a fancy word for “burnt”), but also burrata (naturally), gnocchi and a fine selection of French and British cheeses.

Adverts and slogans

“Have a Superflight”. “We’ll take more care of you”. “Poundstretcher low fares”. We’re not entirely convinced by BA’s 1970s slogans, while the use of scantily-clad models to sell holidays will also raise eyebrows. It was a different time.

The “world’s favourite airline” tag certainly improved matters from 1983, but this was dropped in 2001 after Lufthansa overtook BA in terms of passenger numbers. “To Fly. To Serve”, which was launched in 2011, also carried a certain heft.

These days, BA relies heavily on celebrity endorsements – see its catalogue of stardusted in-flight safety videos – and earlier this month launched a new TV advert and brand campaign under the new slogan “A British Original”.

In-flight entertainment

BA’s first crack at in-flight entertainment, which included films, was offered on Boeing 747 services from 1971. Needless to say it was low-tech, using small screens positioned above the aisle, and everyone had to watch the same broadcast.

Today, passengers can choose from 70 complete box sets, 395 feature films and 770 audio recordings. And from April 3, BA’s Executive Club Members will be able to send mobile text messages free of charge using the airline’s Wi-Fi, even if they are travelling in economy.

The bottom line

One undeniable improvement for passengers in the last 50 years has been the final bill. According to a recent Which? Travel report, typical air fares to Rome in 1975 were £55 (£409 adjusted for inflation), and to Athens they were £80 (£595). BA says you could fly to New York for, at best, £100 (£744)

Today, BA offers return fares to New York from £397, Athens from £83 one-way and Rome from £53 one-way.
