The brutal history behind Gladiator 2’s flooded Colosseum sea battles

The Romans would often stage naval battles as mass entertainment
The Romans would often stage naval battles as mass entertainment - Alamy

If you’ve had a chance to see the epic trailer for Ridley Scott’s Gladiator sequel, there’s an awful lot to relish. Paul Mescal and Pedro Pascal glowering at one another as they face off in the arena; Denzel Washington having the time of his life as a mysterious plutocrat with ambitions to bring about the fall of Rome; and, as you would expect, a whole host of shout-outs and callbacks to the mighty, Oscar-winning original.

There are also scenes hinted at here of scarcely imaginable scale and grandeur that seem to have come straight from the imagination of the most fanciful of screenwriters. Perhaps the most striking and unbelievable of these is a recreation of the Colosseum in which a sea battle is taking place. The epic conflict depicted on screen looks very much like a fantastical Hollywood invention, prompting the obvious question: did any of this really happen?

In fact, such an event did take place in the Colosseum, albeit probably just once. As classicist Dr Daisy Dunn tells me: “Roman emperors held ‘naval battles’ on special occasions, even before the Colosseum was built. These usually took place in special basins near the Tiber. They sometimes took place in wooden amphitheatres, too, and there’s a specific reference by the historian Cassius Dio to Emperor Titus suddenly filling the Colosseum with water to host a surprise naval battle there.” It must have been feasible, says Dunn, but the precise logistics “continue to puzzle historians today.”

There was a tradition in Ancient Rome of recreated sea battles, or naumachiae, taking place to commemorate famous victories or other notable national achievements, and these would usually be held in either an existing lake or a part of the city that could be easily flooded. These extravaganzas were hugely expensive and time-consuming to organise, not least because the details had to be accurate in all respects to satisfy the bloodthirsty spectators.

If, for instance, the Greek victory at Salamina against the Persians had to be staged, it was not only necessary to recreate both the Greek and Persian ships and arms as faithfully as possible, but also to build fortresses and to import everything from dolphins and seals to make the “sea” more authentic for the soldiers and sailors in these vast battles.

In their most benign form, the naumachiae were simply for show, with the participants being serving soldiers and sailors and the whole thing intended as little more than a pageant that would, not coincidentally, demonstrate the military strength and superiority of Rome to its would-be enemies. However, most of the time, the purpose behind them was lethal rather than simply ostentatious.

The sea battles, or naumachiae, would take place in flooded basins by the Tiber
The sea battles, or naumachiae, would take place in flooded basins by the Tiber - Alamy

Everyone from convicted criminals to foreign enemies and captured slaves would be rounded up, placed alongside one another in vast vessels that were then launched into these artificial arenas, and told to fight to the death, on pain of an even more unpleasant fate if they refused. Their incentive – albeit one rarely made good on – was that, if victorious, they would be allowed to live to fight another day and even, in exceptional cases, be granted their freedom. This may have been enough to convince the participants to head into battle, but the baying hordes in the audience did not want to see mercy; they wanted to see blood.

They were seldom disappointed. The first naumachia was staged in Rome in 46BC in order to venerate Julius Caesar, who was celebrating a quadruple triumph during which he had simultaneously either conquered or put down rebellions in Gaul, Egypt, Numidia and Pontus. A common-or-garden commemoration would not suffice, and so something far grander, and more expensive, was offered instead.

Amidst wild festivities that included everything from elephant battles to staged infantry combat, an artificial basin was constructed at the Campus Martius near the river Tiber, and water was diverted in order to flood it. Here, thousands of prisoners of war and criminals were gathered, placed in ships that would represent the battling Tyrian and Egyptian fleets, and then told to fight to the death.

The flooded Colosseum, as seen in Gladiator II
The flooded Colosseum, as seen in Gladiator II

The assembled forces, consisting of 4,000 oarsmen and a thousand soldiers on each side, were monumental, but the crowds were so exhilarated by the bloodshed that hundreds were fatally trampled in the attempt to see the spectacle of what was taking place at the Campus Martius. The poet Martial wrote of the events taking place before him: “Whatever is viewed in the Circus and the Amphitheatre, that, Caesar, the wealth of your water has afforded you. So no more of Fucinus and the lake of direful Nero; let this be the only sea fight known to posterity.”

Martial was to be disappointed. Although the sheer expense of the battle meant that no more were to be held for nearly half a century, the emperor Augustus staged another naumachia in 2BC in order to mark the dedication of the Temple of Mars Ultor. Once again, the spectacle took place by the Tiber, and an aqueduct was newly constructed to flood the artificial basin, where 30 vessels and 3,000 men were pressed into recreating the conflict between the Athenian and Persian forces at the Battle of Salamis. While Augustus was delighted with the bloody spectacle, many were more distracted by the pop-up brothels and readily available sexual entertainment on hand. As the poet Ovid wrote in The Art of Love: “With such a throng, who could not fail to find what caught his fancy?”

There would be other staged naumachiae decades later under the auspices of Nero, who constructed a wooden amphitheatre in AD 57 for a multi-day extravaganza that involved combat on both land and sea, to say nothing of the slaughter of hippos and rhinos. Thanks to the latest advances in technology, the amphitheatre could be drained immediately after the sea battle concluded for the land conflict.

The first Naumachia, held in the Colosseum in AD 80 during its opening ceremony
The first Naumachia, held in the Colosseum in AD 80 during its opening ceremony - Alamy

However, nothing compared to the elaborate nature of the festivities staged for the construction of the Colosseum in AD 80, at the command of the emperor Titus. It proved to be an astonishingly difficult feat of engineering to flood the newly-built Colosseum, an activity that was estimated to take anything between 17 days and a month, and required the construction of an aqueduct that would connect the Tiber to the arena, filling it up to precisely the depth that would allow the extravaganza to take place, and then letting all hell break loose.

The historian Cassius Dio describes the spectacle that ensued economically. “Titus suddenly filled this same theatre with water and brought in horses and bulls and some other domesticated animals that had been taught to behave in the liquid element just as on land. He also brought in people on ships, who engaged in a sea-fight there, impersonating the Corcyreans and Corinthians.”

The recreation of the historic battle, including the creation of an artificial island, may have been popular as an idea, but the execution was stymied by the appearance of a violent rainstorm that not only led to the deaths of all the surviving combatants through drowning, but killed many of the spectators as well.

The Rhino Battle: Paul Mescal in the Gladiator II trailer
The Rhino Battle: Paul Mescal in the Gladiator II trailer

Thereafter, the extraordinary expense and effort that went into such elaborate plans were dispensed with. Audiences seemed perfectly happy with land-bound gladiatorial spectacle instead, especially if some wild and exotic animals might be recruited for the fighting, too. The Colosseum therefore had subterranean tunnels and cells built beneath it that could house both human fighters and creatures alike, which meant that flooding the space would be impossible.

In the trailer for Gladiator II, Mescal’s character is shown battling not only nautical enemies but a warrior mounted on an armoured rhino – which also has some basis in fact. “It was incredibly rare that a rhino was shown in Rome, but one was led into the Colosseum in the first century AD,” says Dr Dunn. “It fought animals rather than gladiators – it was so unusual that the hope was that it would survive to be displayed again and again rather than be speared by a muscular man. ”

All will be revealed when the film is released in November, but whatever the spectacle that Ridley Scott has dreamed up, it cannot come close to the brutal, unbelievable reality that the Romans excelled in.

Gladiator II will be released on November 15 
