My final interview with Dave Myers: The man who fed a global audience

Dave Myers, television presenter and one half of the Hairy Bikers
Myers shared his cancer diagnosis on the Biker's podcast Agony Uncles, in May 2022, but chose not to specify the type of cancer he had - Mark Thomas/Alamy Stock Photo

The front seat of a VW campervan would ordinarily be an extremely odd place to conduct an interview with two of the biggest stars in cookery television. But that’s where I found myself, on a holiday of sorts, when the much-wanted opportunity to interview the Hairy Bikers came my way. It would turn out to be one of Dave Myers’ last interviews.

If there were two people who’d be into the aesthetics of a mizzly November in Derbyshire then it would have to be Dave Myers and Si King.

And so, of course, it proved when they logged into our Zoom call from a quiet room in Salford Quays, moments after a BBC Breakfast appearance. Curiosity piqued; where was I going, what was I doing? What kind of van was I in?

It was typical of the pair who have spent 30 years travelling to remote parts of the world to bring us a taste of hospitality elsewhere than home. A shared joke and a plate of food, Hairy Bikers route 101.

Having taught themselves how to be in front of the camera (“Just talking loads and hoping they’ll cut the rubbish out”) it was always the human connections that Myers relished most.

And so, sitting here talking about his cancer was never going to fill the hour. Instead, what I was offered was a Lazy Susan of spinning chatter, alighting one moment on minced dumplings and the next on Myers’ “Uncle Buck” years as a single man coming to King’s for Christmas, by way of the Industrial Revolution.

Still, his paisley shirt and twirly moustache served only to draw the eye to how frail 40 rounds of chemotherapy had made him. The song in his Cumbrian accent ever so slightly subdued and yet bursting into life at the thought of a Glamorgan sausage roll.

Dave Myers and Si King in The Hairy Bikers Go West
Dave Myers and Si King had a deep friendship going back many years - Jon Boast

Myers had been clear that he wouldn’t be revealing what kind of cancer he had from the moment he shared his cancer diagnosis on the Biker’s podcast Agony Uncles, in May 2022. It meant that it was hard to gauge how ill he was, which was exactly what he wanted. And it remained so throughout the interview.

Wondering how he managed to host a full house for Christmas while dealing with cancer, he said simply: “I was picking up a bit.” King, meanwhile, sat next to him protectively, ready to deflect any question that threatened to pop the Hairy Bikers’ bonnet.

That he was back doing TV, writing books and promoting both, and even back on his bike, seemed like a tacit sign that cancer was on the wane.

And it certainly seemed that for the moment life had regained a sense of normalcy. Seeing a BBC floor manager “old chum” that morning had given him a reason to be extra cheerful.

Grateful for the everyday stuff of life, this was what he wanted to be getting on with, not dwelling on the existential. Whether that was throwing Bavarian beer and sausage parties or getting back on his bike with his best friend, King.

Tellingly though there was little talk of the future. Instead much was about their friendship, so many years deep, a rich source of reminiscence.

A full house was what Myers seemed to crave. And there was always room for more around his table.

Still, as someone who had spent many years alone before marrying his wife Liliana, fondly referred to as Lil, in 2011, Myers was acutely tuned into the loneliness so many feel.

Reaching out more than once during our time to steer the conversation towards those who are alone, he said: “Cook something just for you. Give yourself some love.” Myers had the comfort and kindness to feed a village, a television crew, a global audience in their living rooms, and still have enough left over for second helpings.
