Houseplant of the week: dwarf kōwhai

<span>Photograph: Alamy</span>
Photograph: Alamy

Why will I love it?
The dwarf kōwhai (Sophora prostrata, ‘Little Baby’) is an evergreen shrub native to New Zealand. Its distinctive zigzagging branches and delicate, tiny leaflets give it a whimsical appearance, while its bright yellow, pea-like flowers add a burst of colour in the spring.

Light or shade?
The dwarf kōwhai thrives in bright, indirect light but can also tolerate slightly lower light conditions. Rotate the plant occasionally to ensure even growth.

Where should I put it?
It will thrive on a bright windowsill and can be grown outdoors. Although if you do, ensure that it is protected from frost.

Related: Houseplant of the week: braided money tree

How do I keep it alive?
Water when the top inch of soil has dried out. The dwarf kōwhai prefers to be kept moist but should never sit in waterlogged soil. It tolerates mild frost, but needs protection below -5C. Light pruning in late winter can help maintain its shape and encourage fuller growth, especially if it starts to look leggy.

Did you know?
The kōwhai holds cultural significance in New Zealand, where it is often seen as a symbol of strength, resilience and beauty in Māori culture.
