Houseplant of the week: tassel fern

<span>Photograph: Conservatory Archives</span>
Photograph: Conservatory Archives

Why will I love it?
The tassel fern (huperzia goebelli) is a captivating and elegant plant – and one it’s unusual to see in people’s homes. Its delicate, cascading foliage creates a lush green curtain that adds drama to any indoor space. This plant’s intricate structure and turquoise hue make it a standout in any collection.

Light or shade?
Tassel fern will thrive in bright, indirect light. It should be protected from direct sunlight, which can scorch its leaves.

Where should I put it?
Given its preference for high humidity, the tassel fern is perfect for bathrooms or kitchens.

How do I keep it alive?
Keep the soil consistently moist. Use a humidifier or a pebble tray filled with water, or mist the plant regularly to maintain high humidity levels, and use a well-draining soil mix, such as coconut chunk chips. This mimics its natural epiphytic habitat (growing on other plants) and helps to avoid root rot. Maintain room temperatures of between 15-30C.

Did you know?
This beauty is a member of the Lycopodiaceae family, which includes ancient plants often referred to as clubmosses. It is not a true fern but a spore-producing plant that shares some characteristics with ferns.
