Incredible video shows two majestic stags standing on their hind legs and start boxing

Story from SWNS

This is the incredible moment two majestic stags reared up on their hinds legs and began boxing in a fight for dominance at a country park.

Cara Hewitt, 17, captured the sparring male heavyweights tussling at Bradgate Park, in Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire.

Cara, who has worked as an assistant ranger at the park for two years, said she was feeding the red deer when a male with one antler suddenly towered on its hind legs.

The challenger can be seen jabbing at his rival, the alpha male of the 150-deer herd called Dave, which quickly backs off.

The majestic animals, which stand 12ft tall on their back legs and weigh 500lbs (35 stone), hissed and grunted at each other during the short ten second bout.

The pair are believed to have starting boxing in order to protect their antlers, which fall off in spring and grow back before the rutting season in autumn.

Incredible video shows two majestic stags standing on their hind legs and start boxing
Incredible video shows two majestic stags standing on their hind legs and start boxing (SWNS)

Cara, of Ravenstone, Leics., said: “We were in the middle of feeding them and they try to show their dominance to get the most food.

"The deer with one antler was boxing with lots of different deer and threw punches at this one for about ten seconds.

“He was the first one to cast his antlers this year which is when they lose them to make room for new antlers to grow back in time for the rutting season.

“It was quite surprising who won because the other one is our master stag who wins the rut and gets the most hinds, the female deer.

“He’s our oldest stag at 14 years old called Dave and the other is much younger. He doesn't have a name. They both stand over 12ft-tall and are absolutely massive.

“I was only two metres away but luckily I was in the vehicle when they stood up and started hissing and grunting at each other.

“We always tell people to stay 30 metres away from them but we can go closer because we can tell when they are going to do something possibly dangerous.

“I was really chuffed to see it and get my phone out in time to get a good video. It is not that rare for them to do but it is rare to get to see.

“We have got 150 deer in the park, more female than males, because otherwise there would be too much competition between them.

“The loser Dave had to back off but while doing so he tried to make himself look bigger by staying on his hind legs.

“He had no chance of winning without antlers and had to protect where they are growing through.”

Senior ranger Matthew Molesdale said the deer act in this way to show their dominance to other males and go on to their hind legs to protect freshly grown antlers.

He said: "When red deer stags start casting their antlers, they immediately start growing new ones, in fact, it's the fastest growing bone in the animal kingdom.

"They grow new antlers in time for rutting season in October."
