Learner, 17, left in tears after failing driving test because of her 'dirty car'

Paul Turner's daughter had her driving test cancelled because of tiny specks of pencil eraser in the car. (SWNS)
Paul Turner said his daughter's driving test was cancelled because of tiny specks of pencil eraser in the car. (SWNS) (Blackpool Gazette / SWNS)

Driving examiners have been condemned for failing learner drivers before they even turn their engines on - because their cars are deemed to be too dirty.

Paul Turner said his 17-year-old daughter was left "distraught" when an examiner at Blackpool test centre failed her for having tiny pencil rubber filings on the carpet underneath the passenger seat.

The teenager, who asked not to be named, had been waiting months for the test.

Her father said she had yet to get back behind the wheel following the incident.

After the examiner refused to get in the car, her instructor asked for a second opinion, which was refused, and then the manager was contacted, also to no avail.

Turner, from St Michaels on Wyre in Lancashire, said: "It was the instructor's car and it was spotless apart from a few tiny bits of rubber from when the instructor had rubbed something out of his diary.

"The filings weren't on the seat or anywhere were the examiner would be sitting. It wasn't like there were crisp packets and empty tins everywhere.

"It's ridiculous. They spent about 10 minutes trying to discuss it and sort it out, but got nowhere.

"So she's failed without even driving the car, and there's no way of getting the money back.

"She was distraught, in floods of tears."

He added: "I can't see a reason why he couldn't get into the car.

"At the end of the day, these people are civil servants and they need to be accountable.

"There's such a backlog of people wanting to take their test, and this is making it worse."

It costs £64 to take a practical driving test and there is currently a four to five-month waiting list.

Theory tests expire after two years, adding to the woes of learners stuck on a waiting list.

Turner added: "We live in a rural community, we don't have buses coming past.

"She will be coming to the end of college in summer, and her job prospects will be limited if she can't drive."

Paul Turner's 17-year-old daughter was left distraught when her examiner failed her for having tiny pencil rubber filings on the carpet underneath the passenger seat. (SWNS)
Paul Turner's 17-year-old daughter was left distraught when her examiner failed her for having tiny pencil rubber filings on the carpet underneath the passenger seat. (SWNS) (Blackpool Gazette / SWNS)

Would-be drivers have complained that examiners at the centre, which is handling tests from across the county due to backlogs, are refusing to get in cars if they are "too dirty".

And dozens of other learners across the country have said tests are being declined if cars don't meet new Covid-safe standards set by the Driver and Vehicles Standards Agency (DVSA).

One driver in Norwich is said to have failed because of mud in the footwell, while others have reportedly failed because of a blade of grass and even strands of hair.

Google reviews for Blackpool test centre show at least three other people claim to have been failed because of "picky" examiners finding fault with cleanliness.

Learners have complained that examiners at the centre are refusing to get in cars if they are "too dirty".

Elizabeth Quinn wrote: "Followed the gov.uk guidance for Covid cleaning yet the examiner refused to take him on the test!

"Not sure what he was planning on doing on the floor of the back of the car where he’d spotted a couple of small hairs.

"All surfaces were clean and no rubbish or unnecessary items anywhere as was recommended."

Kath Threlfall wrote: "My son got a cancellation at Blackpool for yesterday and had to do it in our car.

"Despite having complied with the cleaning requirements for Covid safety i.e. having removed rubbish and unnecessary items, and having cleaned and wiped down the dashboard and car controls, the examiner said the car wasn't clean enough and refused to do the test.

"When offered the use of a hoover by a waiting parent, he then said it was too late to do the test."

The DVSA refused to comment on individual cases and wouldn't say whether examiners at Blackpool test centre were being investigated.

Instead a spokesman said: "DVSA’s priority is to protect our customers and staff and stop the spread of Covid.

“Guidance has been issued that cars used on driving tests must be cleaned before the test to lessen the chance of infection.

“Driving tests will not go ahead if this has not been followed to ensure public safety.”

The guidance for people wishing to take a test is that you must "clear and clean the inside of your car before your test".
