National Housewives’ Register was a lifeline for women like me

<span>Maureen Nicol in 1960. ‘The Register provided an escape and opened up the way to lively, non-domestic discussions and life-long friendships.’</span><span>Photograph: Courtesy of the National Women's Register</span>
Maureen Nicol in 1960. ‘The Register provided an escape and opened up the way to lively, non-domestic discussions and life-long friendships.’Photograph: Courtesy of the National Women's Register

I was a young housewife in the early 1970s when I heard about the National Housewives’ Register – now the National Women’s Register – founded by Maureen Nicol (Obituary, 3 September). It was a lifeline. My husband’s job required us to move around the country, and finding myself in a new location with two infants was daunting and lonely. The Register provided an escape and opened up the way to lively, non-domestic discussions and lifelong friendships.
Sue Wallace
Thame, Oxfordshire

• Why should Lucy Mangan even consider a laundering and ironing service for her son’s school shirts (Digested week, 6 September)? Starting secondary school is a good time to introduce boys – and girls – to ironing. I made sure my son ironed all his shirts, and later introduced the idea that he should wash his sports kit. Worked very well.
Jennifer Turner

• Martin Luther King Jr once said “a riot is the language of the unheard” (Economic inequality leads to anger – and riots, 9 September). PR voting might give these people the voice they require.
Brendan Mc Mahon
Poole, Dorset

• A pint of Guinness has 0.3mg of iron, so men would need to drink 29 pints and women 49 pints to reach their daily iron requirements (Letters, 9 September).
Dr John Doherty
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire

• Royal Mail could help to reduce loneliness by introducing a 50p rate for postcards (Price of a UK first-class stamp to rise to £1.65 in October, 6 September).
Elizabeth Baker

• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.
