Premature baby born so tiny his foot was the size of his mum's fingertip

Premature baby Tommy pictured. (Karianne Pratt/SWNS)
Premature baby Tommy was so tiny his foot was the size of his mum's fingertip. (Karianne Pratt/SWNS) (Karianne Pratt/SWNS)

A premature baby who was born so tiny his foot was the size of his mum's fingertip, and weighing just 710g, is now thriving.

Tommy Pratt was born at just 24 weeks and spent 102 days fighting for his life at Leicester Royal Hospital.

His mum, Karianne Pratt, 31, from Shepshed, Leicestershire, initially started bleeding 19 weeks into her pregnancy and went into labour just five weeks later, on 7th January 2021.

When Karianne was finally able to hold her newborn son after five days, her husband Callum, 32, snapped a picture revealing that Tommy's foot was actually the same size as the end of his mum's index finger.

Despite battling chronic lung disease and a brain bleed, Tommy was finally able to go home to his family a week before his due date, on 19 April 2021.

Tommy, now two, has defied the odds, with his parents revealing he is "thriving".

Karianne started bleeding at 19 weeks into her pregnancy and went into labour just five weeks later, on 7th January 2021. (Karianne Pratt/SWNS)
Karianne started bleeding at 19 weeks into her pregnancy and went into labour just five weeks later, on 7th January 2021. (Karianne Pratt/SWNS) (Karianne Pratt/SWNS)

Karianne, a beauty business owner from Leicestershire, explains: "Looking at Tommy now, you'd never know what he's been through.

"When I started having contractions at 24 weeks, I went into complete shock.

"I never actually thought he'd come so early, but after just 25 minutes of pushing, he was here.

"He was so tiny, and it was heartbreaking seeing his little body connected to so many tubes and machines.

"It was touch and go for a while and we had lots of scares, but every time he pulled through.

"We're so proud of how far he's come."

Pregnancy and birth read more:

Karianne and her husband, who also have a daughter, Lily, seven, were over the moon when she fell pregnant with her second child in September 2020.

The first few weeks of her pregnancy proceeded "without a hitch" until 19 weeks when she began to bleed.

"I was working from home, and I went to the toilet and there was loads of blood," she explains of the moment.

"I assumed the worst and rushed to hospital, but the doctors assured me he was fine.

"I was so on edge after that, every time I bled I thought he was gone."

Doctors kept a close eye on Karianne, who was in and out of hospital before going into labour at 24 weeks.

Tommy spent 102 days in hospital before being allowed home to meet his big sister. Pictured Karianne Pratt, 31, Callum Pratt, 32, Lily Pratt, seven, and baby Tommy. (Karianne Pratt/SWNS)
Tommy spent 102 days in hospital before being allowed home to meet his big sister. Pictured Karianne Pratt, 31, Callum Pratt, 32, Lily Pratt, seven, and baby Tommy. (Karianne Pratt/SWNS) (Karianne Pratt/SWNS)

Tommy was born breach and in his amniotic sack on 7th January 2021, at 11:58pm, weighing just 710g, approximately 1lb 9oz.

"I couldn't believe how tiny he was," Karianne admits.

"It was really scary, but I never once doubted that he wouldn't pull through.

"It was horrible not being able to cuddle him straight away, but he had to be put in an incubator.

"When I did finally hold him I was terrified."

During his 102 days in hospital, Tommy developed a large hernia at 13 weeks old, which he had an operation to remove.

He was also diagnosed with Retinopathy of Prematurity - an eye disease that occurs in premature babies when abnormal blood vessels develop in the retina.

Watch: Baby born two months early and so small she had to wear doll's clothing has defied the odds

Tommy had weekly eye tests to check the development of the blood vessels, but thankfully he did not need treatment as it cleared by itself.

He was also diagnosed with chronic lung disease, however his condition is mild and does not hold him back.

After being discharged from hospital in April 2021, Tommy has gone from strength to strength and has started Forest School - a type of outdoor nursery - which he loves.

"It was daunting when Tommy first came home, as he was still on oxygen," Karianne explains.

"It was the first time he was able to meet his sister Lily, as she wasn't able to go into the hospital due to Covid restrictions.

"Lily had to stay with her Grandparents while we were with Tommy in hospital, so it was amazing to finally all be together again."

Tommy is now two and is thriving. (Karianne Pratt/SWNS)
Tommy is now two and is thriving. (Karianne Pratt/SWNS) (Karianne Pratt/SWNS)

Now enjoying life as a family of four, Tommy's parents say he inspires them every day.

"He's so funny, cheeky and talkative now," Karianne explains.

"Thankfully he's meeting all his milestones and isn't showing any signs of delays.

"His chronic lung disease is something we will monitor as he gets older, but it doesn't affect his day-to-day life.

"He's just a typical little boy and we're so proud of him!"

Additional reporting SWNS.
