'That's when the claws come out': Casey DeSantis solos in Iowa to launch 'Mamas for DeSantis'

Florida first lady Casey DeSantis takes questions from Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds during a Mamas for DeSantis event in Johnston, Thursday, July 6, 2023.
Florida first lady Casey DeSantis takes questions from Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds during a Mamas for DeSantis event in Johnston, Thursday, July 6, 2023.

Casey DeSantis made her first solo campaign trip to Iowa on Thursday to launch "Mamas for DeSantis," a grassroots effort to rally support for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' presidential campaign.

In a packed barn in Johnston, DeSantis and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds swapped stories of motherhood and grandmotherhood, laughing about the difficulties of corralling kids in antique-laden governors' mansions.

But policy was the core of Thursday's event, as the governor and first lady touted "parental rights" policies passed in their states.

"It's one thing when your policies come after us, as mamas," DeSantis said. "It's another thing when your policies come after our children. That's when the claws come out.

"We're mobilizing millions, millions of moms and grandmothers across the United States of America in defense of the innocence of our children and protecting the rights of parents. There are a lot of bad things going on. But I can tell you with what Gov. DeSantis has done, he will lead the charge, and he will clean house, and he will ensure that parents have the rights to be able to make the decisions that they think best for their family."

Casey DeSantis played a similar role in her husband's gubernatorial campaign. Her "Mamas for DeSantis" effort ahead of the 2022 election gained a following of over 1 million mothers and grandmothers, she said.

"I believe that grandmamas and mamas are going to be the game-changer of this election," she said Thursday.

COVID-19 pandemic sparked GOP fervor for parental rights

"Parents' rights" became a central theme in Republican politics during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Conservative parents, outraged by school closures and mask requirements, ran for school board and joined groups like Moms for Liberty. Many of those same parents have since called for the removal of school books they say are inappropriate, and they have criticized schools for policies to accommodate transgender students.

Republican leaders have been quick to respond.

Iowa's 2023 legislative session was dominated by education issues. Just days after session began, Republican lawmakers approved a plan to allow Iowa families to use state funds toward private school tuition. Reynolds highlighted the higher-than-expected application numbers for the program.

"We can pass all the other bills that deal with indoctrination and sexualization and all of that. But there's still ways that they can get around it," Reynolds said. "But ultimately, parental choice — that is the game-changer. That will change everything."

Several Iowa parents and members of the Moms for Liberty group told lawmakers about the difficulties of objecting to inappropriate books in schools.
Several Iowa parents and members of the Moms for Liberty group told lawmakers about the difficulties of objecting to inappropriate books in schools.

Reynolds also signed laws to remove school books with sex acts, prohibit LGBTQ instruction before 7th grade, require schools to notify parents if a student asks to use new pronouns and prohibit transgender kids from using a school restroom that aligns with their gender identity.

One of the largest education laws signed this session also details the rights of parents and guardians, stating that they bear "the ultimate responsibility" and they have the "fundamental, constitutionally protected right" to make decisions about their child's education, medical care, moral and religious upbringing and more.

But Republican lawmakers also passed a ban on gender-affirming care for transgender youth over the protests of parents who said they were best capable of deciding the care their children need.

Republican presidential candidates have promoted the same themes. Ron Desantis, Donald Trump and Nikki Haley spoke at the Moms for Liberty conference last month.

More: 'Get out of my city': Moms For Liberty hears from Trump, DeSantis and noisy protesters in Philly

In his speech, DeSantis appealed to the group by saying they have created "the most powerful political force in this country … mama bears."

Moms For Liberty is based in Florida, and worked with DeSantis on the state legislative agenda that he is promoting in his presidential campaign.

Members of Iowa Moms for Liberty chapters have volunteered at several Republican caucus events, including Casey DeSantis' Thursday speech.

Florida first lady Casey DeSantis and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds take a photo with the audience during an event in Johnston, Thursday, July 6, 2023.
Florida first lady Casey DeSantis and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds take a photo with the audience during an event in Johnston, Thursday, July 6, 2023.

First ladies in the field

Casey DeSantis been a significant presence on the campaign trail already — when Ron DeSantis made a swing through Iowa in early June, Casey spoke for several minutes at each stop, sharing anecdotes about the kids and her work as first lady.

"I think she's great. I think she's very relatable," said Alexandra Burkett, a 37-year-old attendee of Thursday's event.

Burkett, a stay-at-home mom in Johnston, said she appreciated DeSantis' discussion of motherhood and education.

Expect to see more spousal support in Iowa this cycle. At a Thursday event in Holstein, Karen Pence said she plans to do her own campaign appearances on behalf of Mike Pence.

"I will do a lot of solo events in Iowa. Actually, as second lady, I did several solo events in Iowa," she told reporters. "So I love coming to Iowa. I have a lot of things that I want to share with the people of Iowa so you’ll see a lot of me."

Stephen Gruber-Miller and USA Today contributed reporting.

Katie Akin is a politics reporter for the Register. Reach her atkakin@registermedia.com. Follow her on Twitter at @katie_akin.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Casey DeSantis, Kim Reynolds rally conservative moms in Iowa
