Lion Rescued From Ukraine Steps on Grass for the First Time and It’s Giving People the Feels


Located in Kent, England, the Big Cat Sanctuary is working under the lead of Cam Whitnall to rescue five big cats - lionesses Yuna, Vanda, Amani and Lira, and lion Rori – from the Wild Animals Rescue Center (WAR) in Kyiv, Ukraine. At the end of August, Yuna got to feel the grass under her feet for the first time in her life, and it's magical to see.

The video begins with Cam and another rescuer watching as the gate to Yuna's cage was open. She's hesitant to leave her small sanctuary but looks around curiously. As she finally gathers the courage to check out her new home, she's a bit wobbly and unsure. Watch to see her amazement at her new surroundings and freedom; it's beautiful to see!

Yuna was smelling all the things! She was cautiously approaching things trying to figure out what they were since she'd never seen them before. She was unsure and I'm sure overwhelmed. I hope she felt the grass for the first time and took a nice long nap on it while enjoying every second of it! Even though she ended up going back inside, the way she ended up sleeping proves that she's feeling safe there under Cam's care.

Commenter @Lelly M agreed, "She already feels safe. A cat regardless of how big or small only shows their tummies off they are safe, that's the weakest part of their body to a predator." @o.richardson37 got nearly 3 thousand likes when she shared, "Well this made me cry. What a beautiful thing it must be to have been a part of." and @Cartel Queen added, "Look at her moving her ears around to listen. WHY AM I CRYING?!" @Kerry Arnold had my favorite comment, "Omg I'm crying…. Restores the faith just a bit. Thank you all!"

Related: Moment 'World's Loneliest' Lion Feels Grass for the First Time Is Magical

Lions in the Wild

Yuna's new life at the sanctuary may not be the same one she'd live in the wild, but she'll be protected and safe there. She will be able to get the ongoing veterinary care that she needs and will be fed and continue to get stronger and more confident.

Lions are very social animals; in the wild Yuna would always be on the move looking for food in the pride's territory, which ranges from 8 - 150 miles. Prides generally consist of about 15 lions - up to 3 males and 12 females - and all of their cubs. The lions work together to hunt, protect their territory, and mate.

Females will stay with the same pride from birth to death, while young males will either try to take over an existing pride or leave to start a new one when they're about 3 years old. I'm sure the 5 lions that Cam rescued will make their own pride, and while there's no reason for them to hunt or protect their territory, they'll spend their days together. We might even get some cubs down the road!

This story and Yuna's reaction to her new home warmed my heart! I love a story with a happy ending, and I'm so glad that Yuna and the others found theirs!

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