Loving Black Labrador Refuses to Leave Grandparents' House After Spending the Weekend

Edijs K/Shutterstock

Nothing will come close to a mother-child relationship (even when your dog is your child), but it's impossible to compete with Grandma and Grandpa. It seems like most grandparents' mission is to spoil their grandbabies in every way possible, and I've never met a grandchild who complains. It's simply how the world works!

With dog ownership becoming more and more popular among millennials and Gen-Zers, it's heartwarming to see the parents of dog owners embracing their furry family members. Whether they're learning about a breed of dog they used to fear or simply enjoying every moment they have with their granddog, each family's relationship with the dog is as unique as the dogs themselves. Just ask Sully the Black Lab!

This spoiled boy loves nothing better than spending time at his grandparents' house, and he made that message extremely clear on June 11 when his mom came to pick him up. He didn't want to leave, and he wasn't afraid to show it!

LOL! Sully seemed happy to see his mom at first, but after she stepped into the house, he figured out what was coming next. This big dog thinks he can be sneaky as he inches further and further away from the door, but the quick-thinking family ends up herding him into the car anyway. Whatever works!

Related: Lab's Reaction to Learning He's Going to His Grandparents Is the Best

"That would make me feel good that they’re taking care of my baby so well he doesn’t want to leave," commented @amykelly437. I know exactly what you mean! It's so bittersweet leaving a dog with family members, even if it's just for one night, but knowing that they're having the time of their life can certainly take the edge off of that inevitable anxiety. It can be difficult to find someone who makes your dog feel so loved, but this beautiful Black Labrador is so lucky that his grandparents love him right back. It truly is the perfect arrangement.

Loving Labrador Retrievers

While anyone has the potential to make a dog feel on top of the world, some dogs are naturally more open to people than others. Labrador Retrievers like Sully are known for their friendliness and easygoing attitudes, so I wouldn't be surprised if this pup has adored his grandparents from the very first moment that they met. No one doubts that he loves his dog mom just as much as she loves him, but his loyalties lie with whomever in the family is holding a dog treat!

More protective dogs may be wary of new people, but with the right introduction and enough patience, just about any pup can develop a relationship like the one between Sully and his grandparents.

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