Loving Orange Cat Rescued From Hoarding Wants to Be Next to His Canine Brothers All the Time

Frau aus UA/Shutterstock

There's no doubt that some pets prefer to live a solitary lifestyle. Perhaps they like having their human all to themselves, or maybe all they've ever known was competing for resources with siblings when they were younger. There can be plenty of reasons why a cat or dog prefers to be the only pet in the home, but there are also lots of reasons why other pets thrive with fur siblings in the home.

Mo, the rescue cat, is the perfect example! This big orange kitty used to live in a hoarding situation alongside lots of other animals, so he prefers having company around. Even so, it's always delightful to see Mo cuddling up with his canine brothers, Ronin and Lincoln. They're like the Three Musketeers, and it never gets old!

Take a peek at Mo and the trio's sweet story that their owner posted on TikTok on August 19. The love between them simply can't be beat!

Aww! Mo seems like such an affectionate cat, and luckily, his brothers are the same way. After all, it's hard to get much cuddlier than a Golden Retriever! Even Ronin, the sweet Labrador Retriever puppy, couldn't help but get in on the cuddly action. It's every pet owner's dream come true!

Related: Cat's Display of Pure Love for Dog Sibling Makes Us So Happy

"His history is sad," commented viewer @badgertheking, "but I'm glad he has some good friends to cuddle with!" I love how you said that! While we can't go back in time and change rescue cats' stories, we can make sure they have all they need to thrive moving forward. A little love and TLC can go a long way when helping a new pet adjust at home, but having confident fur babies like these affectionate dogs can take a bit of the responsibility off of you. Animals learn from one another, and rescue pets will definitely notice if all of their new fur siblings are relaxed and easygoing.

Do Cats and Dogs Always Get Along?

Although stereotypes about cats and dogs make them seem like mortal enemies, tons of fur siblings prove this generalization wrong. Just look at this orange cat and his dog brothers! Mo feels safest when by his bros' sides, and they don't mind having him around one bit. If anything, he's just another pal for their little group!

Cats who are around dogs from a young age are more likely to enjoy dogs' company throughout their life, so it's safe to say that Mo may have had canine roommates in his previous home, too. Some dogs have a strong hunting instinct, however, and will be more inclined to chase cats than cuddle with them! Every animal will react differently to meeting new friends, but once in a while, a group of pets will come together who were simply meant to be. Happy tails, Mo!

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