Lucky Golden Retriever Scores $50 Piece of Steak From Devoted Dad

Tatyana Vyc/Shutterstock

Every dog's idea of 'luxury' looks a little different, but there are few dogs I know of who would willingly turn down a bite of delicious steak. Canines are carnivores, after all, and meats like beef and chicken are an essential part of their balanced diets. So why shouldn't your furry friend have a bite of a family meal?

If a food is safe for dogs to eat, tossing them a bite as a treat shouldn't hurt. Treats need to remain a small part of their diet in order for them to get the majority of their nutrients from wet food or kibble, but no one blames this devoted dog dad for bringing home a piece of his restaurant meal for the family's Golden Retriever. The sweet moment was caught on camera by the man's daughter, Josie!

Stormi is an absolute angel of a dog who deserved every bite of the $50 steak her dad brought home on June 16. She is so ladylike and very well-mannered while she eats--it's almost like she's trying to convince Dad to bring her with him next time!

OMG--how cute is this? Josie's priceless video perfectly captures the relationship between her dad and the dog, though I have a feeling that, not long ago, he was spoiling Josie herself in very similar ways! The family pup, Stormi, is happy to take on this role as the baby, though.

Related: Viral Video of Little Cat's Reaction to Dad Cooking Steaks on the Grill Is Priceless

"You know who his favorite child is," joked commenter @badmistakitty. No kidding! The best part about this is the detail Josie shared in her reply: this adorable debacle happened directly after her birthday dinner! Even though it's this dog dad's human child who has a birthday, it's the Golden Retriever who reaps the benefits. If that second child wasn't a dog, there would've been a big problem here!

Can Dogs Eat Steak Regularly?

It's no secret that dogs love the smell and taste of steak, but it's not an ingredient to include in your pup's meals frequently, either. That's because steak (and most red meats) are higher in fat than other lean meats, which can work against your dog's health if they're battling heart disease or obesity.

Just like with any diet--human or canine--moderation is key to success. You can't expect your dog to switch to a new kibble overnight, and you can't expect them to eat steak all day, every day! No matter how much they may want another bite of burger or beef, limiting all treats to 10% of a dog's daily diet or less is the best path to long-term health. Sorry, Stormi!

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