Maine Coon Cat Actually Loves Vegetables and Steals Them Right Off Dad's Plate

Shutterstock / Pickless

Before I got cats, I thought I knew what they liked to eat—meat, and fish, and maybe saucers of milk. Au contraire! Turns out, most cats are actually lactose-intolerant as adults. They may love dairy, but it doesn’t love them back. (Honestly, kitty? Same here.) And though I was assured my skittish rescues would not be able to resist a bit of tuna, they have never shown the slightest interest in any fish-based products whatsoever.

You know what they love? Pop-Tarts. I’m serious. Especially the young one And she is particular about the flavor, too. It’s got to be frosted cherry Pop-Tarts or forget about it. Even my children know not to leave the Pop-Tart out where the cat can give them a lick. But I’ve never seen them go after a vegetable.

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In this video, a large Maine Coon tabby named Scout sits next to a man at a table and paws gently at some shredded cabbage at the edge of the plate. Does Scout wonder what the substance is? Does she want to actually eat it?

Related: Maine Coon Cat Who Loves Being Pampered in the Shower Is a Total Spa King

“Scout apparently loves cabbage now,” reads the caption, and in the comments others note the odd obsession their cats have had with the vegetable One says that their friend’s cat would steal lettuce (probably because they liked the crunch—the way a cat will chew on the corner of corrugated boxes), and another says theirs loves sauerkraut.

Other people are just appalled that this guy is letting his cat put his paws on the plate. “Dude, that cat's paws have been everywhere including litter box, covering poop, etc.” says one person in the comments section. “Just...gross. And, I adore cats, but no!”

Is Cabbage Safe for Cats?

If your cat does show a curiosity about cabbage leafs, it is safe for them to eat, just like it is safe for them to take the occasional nibble of cat grass or wheat grass. However, they should not eat any foods from the album family—like onions, garlic, chives, shallots, etc., as these can be toxic for them.

But it’s important to note that although your cat may go for a bit of vegetable here and there, they are not and cannot be vegetarian. Even if you are a vegan, your cat cannot live without meat, and it’s animal abuse to attempt to make them try.

Why Your Cats Should Eat Meat

Cats are what is known as “obligate carnivores,” meaning they must eat a carnivorous diet that includes meat. Their feline digestive tracks are made for a diet made of animal products and they may go into gastrointestinal distress if they try to digest too many grains or fiber. Additionally, they need over twice as much protein in their diet as our other favorite pets, dogs, as well as certain amino acids which can only be derived from meat products, like Taurine, Arachidonic acid, and a variety of B vitamins.

Though some animals can create these acids themselves from the foods they eat, cats cannot, and vegan sources do not provide them at the levels required to keep your cats healthy.

Nevertheless, the occasional scrap of cabbage is not going to do your kitty any harm.

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