Maine Coon Cat's Annoyance Over Rabbit's Lack of Personal Space Is a Riot


Cats aren't exactly known for being affectionate and cuddly. If anything, the most famous cats of all time (both real and fictional) are famous for their sass and attitude. From Garfield to Grumpy Cat, it's easy to see why people perceive cats as more aloof. In reality, though, felines can be just as cuddly and affectionate as any other pet. Unless, of course, your cat is this Maine Coon Kitten named Tink.

While Tink was lounging in her favorite spot by the window, her bunny brother Denzel decided it was a great time for a cuddle. It's not every day that a rabbit and cat hang out together, so their proud owner was quick to get the camera. But much to everyone's surprise, the July 9 video ended with more annoyance than affection! Viewers are laughing out loud at the fur siblings' opposite personalities, and I have a feeling you will, too!

Haha! I'm not sure who has the bigger personality: the annoyed kitten or the happy-go-lucky Holland Lop. Denzel seems so eager to get closer to his kitty sibling, but Tink the Maine Coon would rather have the space to herself. She even tried to kick him away!

Related: Video of Bunny Playfully Chasing the Family Cat Is Downright Adorable

'Tink’s like, if Momma wasn’t in here, these kicks might be just a tad harder," joked @hazelandfinley. LOL--I think you're right! Not even this sleepy cat would risk hurting her fur brother (in front of Mom, that is) but I think Denzel was starting to win over his sister in the end. After all, how could you say no to that sweet face?

I think it's so sweet that this Maine Coon kitten was perched in front of the window for her nap. Many cats enjoy looking out the window to spot birds, bugs, and other interesting things that they can't see inside. Not only is this mentally stimulating, but it also indulges their natural hunting instincts without actually hunting. If your cat ever chirps at the window, they're probably watching something interesting!

Can Cats and Rabbits Get Along?

As cute and entertaining as this dynamic duo may be, some people might be surprised to see a cat and a rabbit living together. After all, feral cats and wild cats regularly hunt rabbits, and some domestic cats might also feel the urge to chase and pounce on them. While not all cats will be able to coexist peacefully with rabbits, many can, especially if introduced to rabbits at a young age.

Slow and separated introductions can give a cat and bunny owner an idea of whether they can coexist. Make sure they can't actually touch each other at first, and slowly work your way up. With love and patience, many animal species can be great friends--just look at Tink and Denzel!

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