Maine Coon Kitten Is Totally Unimpressed by Pup Cup Like the King He Is

CC aliaksei kruhlenia/Shutterstock

You know how your dog is obsessed with pup cups? Yeah, well that's not the deal for every animal. In fact, one Maine Coon Kitten was not really feeling the beloved treat and let everyone know it in a viral video online.

Meatball must have a really refined palate because he was just not into the treat that everyone else loves.

In a video shared by the cat's owner, it shows the Maine Coon Cat kitten gingerly approaching the treat.

The orange cat gave the pup cup a sniff and then firmly...lost interest. Well, we guess whipped cream just isn't for anyone. The cat sort of left his mom hanging too. She kept holding the cup up on the off-chance the cat would reconsider. But nope, Meatball didn't care about the pup cup one bit.

Related: Huge Maine Coon Cat's Meeting with Little Persian Kitten Is Winning Hearts

"Sorry Starbucks, can you make a beef flavored pup cup?" Meatball's owner joked in the text overlay. "Meatball went to Starbucks, he wasn’t too into the pup cup," they added.

Humans Food You Can Feed Your Cat

For the most part, your cat should be eating their cat food. But every now and then you might want to slip some human food to your kitty. Here is a list of human foods that are totally cat safe. 

Salmon is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids for both humans and cats. Typically salmon is in canned cat food, but served alone and in small amounts it's totally okay for your cat to eat.

Spinach is another food that cats can freely eat. They're full of vitamins A, C, and K, iron, and calcium. But you do want to be careful. If your cat has a history of calcium oxalate bladder stones, you should probably refrain.

Like salmon, eggs are full of protein and B vitamins. However you always want to make sure to cook the eggs fully to avoid food borne illnesses. Speaking of breakfast foods, you can also slip your cat some cantaloupe and it's a-okay. Cantaloupe is high in antioxidants and beta-carotene, which is good for cats' skin and eye health. Other breakfast foods that cats can eat are oatmeal and bananas.

If you're really curious about what your cat can and can't eat, talk to their vet. They can give you a full list of cat-friendly foods, so you'll never be worried about sharing food with your bestie.

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