Man’s Elaborate Early Bedtime Routine for His Senior Chihuahua Is So Bougie

CC Fotoluminate LLC/Shutterstock

We know who runs the house — it's Daisy, a senior Chihuahua who likes things the way she likes them. In fact, Daisy has a very specific bedtime routine. Luckily, her dad makes sure the dog gets tucked into bed exactly how she wants.

When Daisy is ready to go to sleep, she lets it be known. Just take a look at the video her owners shared on the internet.

In the clip, the Chihuahua stood at the top of the steps just waiting for her owner to notice that she was ready for bed. Ummm, helloo. Dad, where are you?

"Daisy is it time?" her dad asked in the clip. "Yeah this is a good bedtime, 7:12 pm — it's kinda past your bedtime," he teased.

Related: Senior Chihuahua Gets a Tiny Tortilla for His 17th Birthday and We're in Love

Then it was time for Daisy's nightly routine. First they took her "clothes" off (aka, her collar), put water in her bowl for her bedtime "dink," and then dad placed her in a human bed and tucked her into the covers.

"Mom will be right up," he assured her.

The whole thing was so sweet. Every senior dog deserves to be treated this way and people in the comments section agreed. "The 7:12 pm and 'mom will be right up' is so accurate," joked one person. "We ask our girl 'you wanna put your pajamas on?' and take her collar off," one commenter shared. "I too have a Daisy the Chihuahua whose bedtime is very early and also sleeps nakey under a blanket! However mine prefers a snack before bed," added another commenter. "You see how she allows you to follow the routine? Very demure, very mindful," one commenter joked.

How Much Sleep Does Your Senior Dog Need?

If your dog is getting up there, it might seem like they're also napping — or dozing, older dogs love to doze — a lot. It might seem concerning if your dog has upped their snooze time, but you shouldn't be worried. It's totally natural . Senior dogs tend to need more sleep than younger dogs. You should expect your senior pup to sleep anywhere from 12 to 15 hours a day.

You should only be concerned if your dog is sleeping for 20 hours a day or longer. That could indicate an underlying health issue like kidney disease, cancer, hyperthyroidism, pain, or arthritis. Too little sleep can be an issue too. It might indicate that a dog isn't sleeping well through the night. If you notice an alarming change in your dog's sleep habits, reach out to your vet.

Senior dogs have different needs than younger dogs. For the most part, a little extra sleep won't hurt them.

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