Man Parodies What It Would Look like if ‘Humans Slept Like Cats’ & It’s a Riot

Shutterstock/Kristi Blokhin

If there's one thing that most people get a kick out of, it's the funny ways that our pets sleep. My dog's favorite sleeping position is on her back, legs in the air. My sister's cat finds the weirdest places to sleep, and she always sends funny pictures of where they find him. Abram Engle is a cat dad to his orange cat, Kurt. In mid-August, he put together a parody of what it would look like if humans slept in all the random places cats do, and it will crack you up!

Abram starts by sleeping stretched out on top of the kitchen counter. You can also find him snoozing on top of the couch and on his back half on and half off a dining room chair. These are some of Kurt's favorite sleeping spots. Make sure to watch to the end because the last place we find Abram is the best!

I love how Kurt is next to him in a few of these trying to figure out what his dad is up to! People got a kick out of Abram's video and left hundreds of comments. @Bucket noticed the same thing I did and said, "Love that Kurt joined for most of them." and Abram replied, "Always keeping an eye out." @Chaney Nicole pointed out, "Kurt’s like, "He’s in my spot: LOL!" and @Cathy Best Recos added, "The cat making sure that he does the right sleeping pose!" I cracked up when @adboremi said, "You forgot the middle of the floor, so everyone has to walk around them! LOL!"

Related: Cat's Unconventional Sleeping Positions Are Too Funny to Miss

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Cats are known for their stellar napping capabilities and sleep an average of 15 hours a day and it seems that Kurt is a pro at finding the perfect spot to catch some z's. Have you ever wondered why they sleep so much? This PetHelpful article explains that cats' circadian rhythms are based on light, "As with all species, our sleep cycle depends on UV exposure. Unfortunately, when cats become indoor companions, their sleep cycles may get interrupted based on our poor habits—leaving lights on past sundown, turning lights on before sunrise, and leaving blue-light-emitting devices on like computers and TVs well after the sun has set."

All of those things throw their natural sleep cycle off. Cats are crepuscular by nature, meaning they tend to be active at dawn and dusk. In the wild they are most active at twilight based on their natural stalking and hunting behaviors. However, pet cats tend to change their sleep schedule based on ours. They are social creatures and want to spend time with their humans. As much as they would rather be active at dawn and dusk, they usually sync their sleeping behaviors to ours. Unless of course you have a cat like this one who prefers the middle of the night to run around and be as noisy as possible. It's cute to watch videos of pets doing crazy things at 3AM, but I'm glad that my dog is sleeping at that hour!

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