Mean’ Cat Bites Vet at Appointment and Sends a Postcard to Say Sorry

Shutterstock/Anna Krivitskaya

Does your pet like going to the vet? Some pets, like my dog, don't mind it at all while others, like this cat named Nebula, absolutely hate going. Nebula went for a vet visit recently and while there, she was being a 'meanie' according to her mom and bit the vet. Mom did the only thing she could, which was make Nebula apologize, and she the most adorable way possible.

Mom posted the video at the beginning of September, explaining that Nebula bit the vet. They took an adorable picture to put on the front of the postcard and shared the sweetest message on the back. The message read, "Sorry I bite you. I bite my mom too. Meow. Nebula."

I'm sure the vet loved the message! I would've posted Nebula with heart hands right in the front of the office! Commenters loved the postcard idea too. Fans of Nebula's knew that the postcard actually came from mom and not Nebula. @April said simply, "She is in fact not sorry lol!" @Jenjen agreed, "No remorse in those eyes." @courtney.e.petersen offered a great suggestion a little too late, "Should have her chew on the edges a little bit to really get the point across that she bites LOL!"

Animal professionals also weighed in. @chx shared, "Omg as a tech this would make everyone’s week. Love clients with a sense of humor!" @OpaqueSunflower added, "As a veterinarian this card would absolutely make my week!" @Monroe James shared, "As a vet I would frame this and treasure it!" and another commenter agreed, "I still have the card from the owners of a Beagle who bit me like 9 years ago LOL!"

Related: Woman Explains the Reason Why Cats Randomly Bite While Getting Pet

Why Cat Bites Are a Concern

If you've ever had a pet cat, you know that they sometimes bite for no reason at all, when they're annoyed, when they're happy, or when they are tired or hungry. In short, they can always find a reason to bite. But this isn't a cute thing that they do; they have sharp teeth that can make deep punctures on the skin, and those bites hurt!

Not only do the bites hurt, but cats' mouths are home to a variety of bacteria that can cause infection if left untreated. It's not only infection you have to worry about, but also cat scratch fever, or in rare cases, rabies. Tetanus can be another concern if the bite gets infected or isn't properly cared for.

Another Pet Helpful article shared, "one in three cat bites will become infected, compared to the much lower likelihood of infection from dog bites. If an infected cat bite is left untreated, it can develop into cat scratch fever, which is a bacterial infection that causes flu-like symptoms and can cause serious complications such as encephalopathy or vision loss. Although more attention is often given to dog bites and the danger of rabies, statistics show that there are 300% more rabid cats in the US than rabid dogs."

If your cat bites, even if it's vaccinated, wash the bite immediately with soap and water. Apply Neosporin and cover it with a bandage. The same Pet Helpful article recommends letting the wound bleed, if possible, "as this can wash out the bacteria introduced from the cat’s mouth."

Keep an eye on the bite. If there are any signs of infection like swelling, the wound turning red, or if you develop a fever, it's time to check in with your doctor. Cat bites can be treated with antibiotics before your symptoms get worse. This may seem like worst-case scenario, but it's worth keeping in mind if you have a cat or are ever bitten. Better to play it safe than sorry.

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