Medical Service Cocker Spaniel Still in Training but Is Already Saving Lives

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A dog can change your life. Not just because they're incredible companions, but many people have dogs to help them with their chronic and debilitating medical conditions. One woman is so thankful for her son's Cocker Spaniel. The good girl is there to help him monitor his blood sugar levels and a video she's shared online shows just how much it really works.

Any mother with a sick child knows how scary it can be. So the family decided to try a Cocker Spaniel to help with their son's Type 1 Diabetes.

The mom wanted to test the Cocker Spaniel's new skills in a video she shared online.

Evie is learning how to detect when the woman's 3-year-old son's blood sugar is low. Right now the Spaniel is living with a trainer while she learns special skills, but recently came over to the family's house for a "sleepover."

Related: Cocker Spaniel Falls in Love After 'Buying' Stuffed Animal on a Walk

"There are zero expectations on this trip, as she has barely started training," the mom explained. But still, was this plan going to work?

Amazingly, the training is already paying off. The dog caught the changes in the toddler's blood sugar levels even before his Glucometer did.

"In absolute shock. Not even 24 hours here with us here. Good girl, Evie Stevie," the mom wrote in the caption.

Commenters were amazed. "Oh my gosh she is already showing how LIFE CHANGING this is going to be for Wells and your family. She will help you rest easy so soon," wrote one person. "She is like why is no one listening? I'm telling you somethings wrong. She's going to be even more amazing after her training," someone else agreed. "The little whines!!! Way to go girly! So proud of her already starting to do her job," chimed in someone else.

All About Diabetic Alert Dogs

Diabetic Alert Dogs (or DADS, as they're sometimes known) are trained to smell the compounds that are released from the body when blood sugar is too high or low.

This means that DADS can usually detect that something is wrong way before symptoms show. They can even do this when their owner is asleep. Dogs will alert their owners the same way that Evie did. They'll whine or paw at their owner to let them know that something's up.

Another option are Medical Response Dogs, which can respond to the symptoms of low blood sugar like fatigue, loss of consciousness, or seizure-like behavior, and can retrieve food, drinks, or emergency kits to help remedy the situation. Both types of training have their place. So if you're thinking about getting one of these pups, talk to your doctor and see which one will serve you best.

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