Mini Donkey’s Excitement Over His Evening Walk Is the Definition of Precious


Taking your pets on regular walks is important to their mental and physical health. It's also good for you! Cash is a baby donkey who lives on a farm near Clermont, Florida with Sara Weldon and her fiancé Rick. Sara rescued Cash shortly after his mom gave birth to him and rejected him. He's now an 'inside' pet and is living his best life. He's also adorable!

Sara shared a video on Instagram on Tuesday, July 23rd of what happens on her evening walks with Cash. It's a beautiful setting, and I'm actually jealous of the beautiful path that they take. Sara's calling for him to come, and when he does, he is clearly very excited to be out running around. If you've never seen a donkey with a case of the zoomies, you're in for a treat!

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This is the best! The music made the video even funnier, and I could watch Cash run around like that all day! Commenter @colvo11 said simply, "Zoooommmiieeesss!!" which is exactly what I said when I first watched the video! Then @gomezdel added, "He is convinced he is a racehorse!" I couldn't agree more with who said, "Oh dear… Cash is just too funny! What daily joy he brings… thank you!" Another commenter said, "What a fun walking partner!" and I'm wondering where I can get one just like him!

Related: Man’s Sweet Cuddle Session With Tiny Donkey Is Giving People ‘Baby Fever'

Do Donkeys Make Good Pets?

I love seeing Sara's videos of Cash and his day-to-day life. He's definitely spoiled and loved and adored! While the idea of having a baby donkey live in your house doesn't appeal to everyone, after watching this video you might be wondering if donkeys make good pets.

My parents and other family have pet donkeys on their farms and swear that they make great pets. These animals are intelligent and easily trainable (even though they're known to be stubborn). They are gentle and affectionate and form strong bonds with their humans. They get along great with other animals and with children. Of course, they do need room to run and play outside, and it looks like Cash loves being outside doing zoomies!

One thing that might be a turnoff to some families is that donkeys are pretty noisy animals. They bray a lot; just watch this video that Sara shared of how adorable Cash was when he found his voice. They also make other noises like growls, grunts, squeals, and snorts. They make these sounds often and loudly, especially when they're hungry. When I visit my parents, I always think it's such a joy to hear the donkeys get excited for mealtime, but they are very loud, and I can see how some people may not like it.

As with any pet, there are pros and cons that come along with them. If you're considering bringing home a miniature donkey to keep on your farm (or in the house!), make sure to do your research to see if its needs and requirements fit your family's lifestyle. Otherwise, you may end up with an unhappy animal, and family.

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