Miniature Donkey Sweetly Relaxes in Mom's Arms As She Sings Him a Lullaby

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A woman's love for her pet animal is so sweet. Katie Van Slyke is so close with her miniature donkey Pico. So much so that the animal mom was recently caught on camera holding the donkey and singing him the cutest lullaby.

We totally get the animal mom's devotion to her mini donkey. When an animal feels like your baby, you really do treat them like your child.

The love that the woman feels for her pet is so clear in the clip she shared online. It shows the miniature donkey mom rocking Pico back and forth.

"Go to sleep, little baby," she sang in the clip. "Don't need nobody but my baby."

Related: Mini Donkey’s Excitement Over His Evening Walk Is the Definition of Precious

If the donkey mama was hoping that Pico would fall asleep, it sadly didn't seem to do the trick. Pico was wide awake by the video's end.

"We might have to find her a lullaby," she said. "We might have to try it again."

We don't think that Pico minded the attention, mind you. The donkey was cheesing so hard by the video's end.

Is this not the cutest video you've ever seen? The comments section thought so. "When I die I wanna come back as an animal on your farm," joked one person. "Not my kid in the back saying 'That’s a huge bunny,' so cute," someone else teased. "I don’t know if I’m more jealous of Pico or Katie," added someone else. "I didn’t know I needed a video of you singin’ and rockin’ a sweet lil donkey baby but here we are," another commenter chimed in.

More Pico Cuteness

There's a reason why Katie's so obsessed with Pico. He's absolutely adorable. Pico has been a sweetie since the day he was born, which the donkey mama happened to capture on film too!

In the clip she shared online, Katie was out of town when she learned that there was a new mini donkey on the farm. The woman was on a video call with someone back home who warned her that the mini donkey was being born

"Oh my gosh!" Katie said with a gasp. She watched the whole thing happen on FaceTime.

"I can't believe she did it that early," Katie said, speaking of Pico's mama. "It's pretty early in the night."

She even showed her reaction to learning that Pico was indeed a boy. Surprise!

Pico has grown so much since then and clearly these two have bonded. But it's nice to see the donk's origins. He was loved from the very beginning.

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