Mom Buys a Hot Tub for Her Squirrels & Husband's Reaction Is Priceless

CC mark higgins/Shutterstock

A woman was feeling judged by her husband after he didn't give her the reaction she was looking for. But we think she shouldn't pay him any mind. We think that the squirrel hot tub she brought home was really cool! And people in the comments section totally agreed.

Brady Medearis captured the moment that his dad was in complete disbelief by the find and then shared it online.

Now personally we think a squirrel hot tub is really cool. Who even makes this type of thing? Can you imagine a bunch of squirrels meeting in your yard to go in your hot tub? That would be incredible! But not everyone can see the vision, as Medearis' video shows.

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Medearis' father was immediately dismissive. "No you did not!" he told his wife. "That's so stupid." It's not stupid – not if you want your squirrels to have a hot tub!

"The squirrels will love it!" his wife shot back. But her husband wasn't convinced. He gave her lots of reasons why a squirrel hot tub was a bad idea. But mom had a trick up her sleeve. Let's just say there was more to the squirrel hot tub than met the eye.

The comments section couldn't stop laughing. "He wanted that squirrel hot tub," one person argued. " I LOST IT when he said it would make more squirrels," someone else admitted. "He acts like he’s mad but is totally into it, lol," wrote one commenter. While someone else was bummed about the product's true nature: "This kind of broke my heart, I couldn't wait to see it," they wrote.

How to Buy Your Own ‘Squirrel Hot Tub'

Unfortunately for all of us, the squirrel hot tub is a prank gift. But the day that they really make it we'd definitely buy one.

The product is actually a prank gift box that you can give to your loved one with their real gift inside. As the company noted in the product description, the box "DOES NOT INCLUDE ACTUAL CRITTER HOT TUB" (aww, bummer), but it will surely be a hit at your next major event.

The company also makes similar prank gift boxes for products like the Pet Butler Serving Vests for Animals, the Float-A-Poo Dog Waste Disposal System, and the Birthie Stick — we'll let you guess what the last one does.

We guess you could say the mom's prank was a total success. And thankfully there'll be no threat of more "little squirrels" running around.

The Squirrel Hot Tub costs $8.99 and can be bought here.

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