Mom Cracks Up After Finding Where Missing Corgi Went in the Middle of the Night

CC Natalia Fedosova/Shutterstock

A mom on TikTok was worried when she woke up in the middle of the night and realized her Corgi had vanished. So scary! Luckily she didn't have to look too far to find the lost pup, and where she eventually found the dog had her cracking up.

There's nothing more worrying than we you realize your dog isn't in its cage. But really this was the best case scenario.

The mama shared the adorable clip in a video on her TikTok page. 

"When you go in the dog room and your dog's missing from his cage," she wrote in the video's onscreen caption.

Related: Dog Who Fakes Sleep in the Hopes of Staying in Mom's Bed Is Simply Irresistible

She probably searched high and low for her Corgi, Wrangler. Where could he be? If you guessed snuggled up in his human-sister's bed while she snuck some time on her cellphone, you'd be right. The mom caught the two of the red handed and after getting busted her little girl had the funniest smirk on her face.

"Bray keeps going and getting Wrangler out of his cage every night," the mom wrote in the caption.

People in the comments section thought this should be Wrangler's new sleep spot. "He said excuse me we are sleeping in OUR bed," one commenter joked. "Kids sleep better with a dog, makes them feel safe," another commenter pointed out. "Dog face says, 'the tiny human did it.' Little girls face says 'and I’d do it again,'" someone else joked. "Let them sleep together, it’s every kids dream to sleep with a pup," one commenter pleaded.

Should Dogs Sleep on the Bed?

We can't really blame Bray for wanting a snuggle buddy. Having your dog sleep in bed with you is the dream. But there are actually some good reasons to not let your precious fur-baby sleep in the bed with you.

It might seem sort of silly, but dogs understand hierarchies. They usually understand that they aren't the boss of the family because humans are physically larger than them. When we lie on beds with dogs, we're on the same plane as them, which believe it or not can lead to aggressive tendencies.

To a lesser degree, dogs startle easily. They'll wake up over any little shift or movement, which can really agitate them. They might even accidentally bite. Obviously that's the worst case scenario, but should be considered before setting up your dog's nighttime routine.

If your dog doesn't have any behavioral issues (and can take your tossing and turning) it can be okay to let them sleep with you. Just make sure you're doing what's best for them and not what seems the most snuggly to you.

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